What Smart TVs Can Be Mounted Over An Electric Fireplace? - Fireplace Choice
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What Smart TVs Can Be Mounted Over An Electric Fireplace?

By Pedro Calcano June 16, 2024 0 comments

What Smart Tvs Can Be Mountd Over An Electric Fireplace?

A modern living room with a sleek smart TV and electric fireplace.

Mounting a smart TV over an electric fireplace can be challenging. Many people worry about heat damage to their electronics. Electric fireplaces are safer for this compared to wood-burning or gas fireplaces because they produce comfortable, controlled heat.

In this blog post, you'll learn the best practices and smart TV options suitable for installation above an electric fireplace.

Read on!

Key Takeaways

  • Consideration of Heat Management: Ensure at least 12 inches of clearance between the top of the electric fireplace and your TV. Use a mantel to help deflect heat away from the television.
  • Mount Selection: Choose between tilting mounts for easier installation and simple adjustments, or full-motion mounts for more flexibility and better viewing angles.
  • TV Size Matching Fireplace Width: Select a smart TV close to the width of your electric fireplace to maintain symmetry and enhance room aesthetics. Aim for within two to six inches wider than the fireplace on each side.
  • Temperature Check Before Installation: Test wall temperature using an infrared thermometer before mounting your TV. Keep readings below 100°F to prevent overheating risks.
  • Cable Management Tips: Use cord covers or route cables through walls to keep them hidden. Secure high-quality HDMI and power cables long enough for various devices without stretching or straining.

Is it Safe to Mount a Smart TV Over an Electric Fireplace?

A smart TV mounted above an electric fireplace in a vibrant cityscape.

Mounting a smart TV over an electric fireplace can be safe with the correct precautions. Ensure proper heat management to protect your electronics.


Heat considerations and electronic safety

Electric fireplaces offer safer heat for mounting a TV compared to gas or wood options. However, it’s still crucial to think about the heat output. The area directly above the fireplace can get warm, which may impact your smart TV's electronics over time.

Make sure there is enough space between the top of the electric fireplace heater and the bottom of your TV. Keep at least 12 inches of clearance, if possible. Using a mantel can help deflect some heat away from the TV as well.

Testing wall temperature before installation ensures that you won’t face any electronic safety issues later on.

Optimal distance and shielding techniques

After considering heat and electronic safety, it is vital to determine the optimal distance between your smart TV and electric fireplace. Maintain a minimum gap of 8-12 inches from the top of the fireplace to the bottom of the television.

This spacing helps reduce exposure to excessive heat, ensuring longevity for your electronics.

Shielding techniques also play an essential role in protecting your smart TV. Use a mantel or shelf above your fireplace to deflect rising warm air away from the television. Quality insulation materials can further shield against indirect heat transfer, safeguarding both performance and viewing angle.

This setup enhances comfort while minimizing potential neck strain issues due to high positioning.

Best Practices for Mounting a Smart TV Above an Electric Fireplace

A Smart TV mounted above an electric fireplace with a tilting bracket.

Check the wall temperature where you plan to mount your TV. Use a tilting or full-motion bracket for easy adjustments.


Choosing the right mount: Tilting vs. Full-motion

Choosing the right mount depends on your viewing habits and room layout. A tilting mount lets you angle the TV downward, which can be useful if you sit lower or have a high mantle.

This type is easier to install and adjust but offers limited movement.

A full-motion mount is more flexible. It allows you to swivel, tilt, and extend the TV in multiple directions. This option provides better viewing angles from different spots in the room but requires a sturdier installation process.

Full-motion mounts work well for larger spaces where people watch from various positions.

Testing wall temperature before installation

Tilting and full-motion mounts are great, but always consider wall temperature before installation. Use an infrared thermometer to measure the wall's heat levels accurately. This step ensures your TV won't overheat, which can lead to damage.

Place the thermometer on the wall where you plan to mount your smart TV. Run the electric fireplace for a while and record any temperature changes. If the readings stay below 100°F, it’s generally safe for mounting.

High temperatures mean adding insulation between the fireplace and TV is necessary for protection.

Recommended Smart TV Sizes for Electric Fireplaces

Select a TV that matches the width of your electric fireplace for a balanced look. Ensure the overall setup maintains symmetry and enhances room aesthetics.


Matching TV width to fireplace size

Choosing a TV that matches the width of your electric fireplace enhances symmetry and aesthetics. For instance, if your fireplace is 60 inches wide, pick a Smart TV close to that width for a balanced look.

This creates a neat visual alignment and makes the setup more appealing.

A good rule is to keep the TV within two to six inches wider than the fireplace on each side. Avoid mounting very large TVs over small fireplaces as this can make the space seem cramped or lopsided.

Brands like Touchstone Home Products offer electric fireplaces with various widths, providing plenty of options for perfect matching.

Importance of symmetry and aesthetics

Symmetry and aesthetics play a crucial role in mounting a smart TV over an electric fireplace. Matching the width of your TV to that of the fireplace creates visual harmony. A balanced look enhances the room's overall appeal, making both elements stand out as dual focal points.

This alignment draws attention without overwhelming the space, providing comfort and style.

Incorporating symmetry ensures that neither the TV nor the fireplace looks misplaced. Keeping these elements aligned also helps with viewer comfort by minimizing distractions. Utilizing cable management solutions contributes to this aesthetic by keeping wires hidden, maintaining clean lines and enhancing visual allure.

Features of Electric Fireplaces Favorable for TV Installation

Electric fireplaces with built-in heaters and fans direct heat away from the TV. Adjustable flame settings allow you to control the room temperature easily.

TV-friendly electric fireplace models

Some electric fireplaces are designed to be TV-friendly. Dimplex Electric Fireplaces offer models equipped with heat management systems that direct warmth away from the TV. Modern Flames Electric Fireplaces feature sleek designs and safety features, ensuring the fireplace’s heat doesn't harm your electronics.

Remii Electric Fireplaces provide options with built-in mantels, creating a natural barrier between the TV and heat source. SimpliFire models focus on optimal heat distribution, making them safe for mounting TVs directly above.

These brands help achieve a stylish focal point in any living room while maintaining electronic safety and comfort.

Heat management and distribution features

Many electric fireplaces feature advanced heat management systems. These systems ensure that the heat is distributed evenly and away from the TV mounted above. By using built-in fans and strategically placed vents, they can push warm air into the room without causing overheating.

Some models also have thermostat controls to maintain a steady temperature. This prevents any risk of damaging electronics due to excessive heat. Additionally, some units come with “cool touch” glass technology, keeping the surface safe even when in use.

Showcasing Electric Fireplace Collections Favorable for Smart TV Installation

Several electric fireplace collections are perfect for mounting a smart TV. These models offer great heat management and modern designs.

Dimplex Electric Fireplaces

Dimplex Electric Fireplaces stand out for their TV-friendly design. They feature built-in heat management systems that direct warmth away from mounted electronics. This ensures safe operation without overheating your smart TV.

These fireplaces also come in various sizes, making them suitable for different rooms and setups. Many models offer a sleek, letterbox display that pairs well with modern smart TVs, providing an elegant dual focal point in any living space.

Modern Flames Electric Fireplaces

Transition from "Dimplex Electric Fireplaces" to "Modern Flames Electric Fireplaces": Many homeowners love the stylish designs of Dimplex electric fireplaces. Modern Flames also offers stunning options with sleek and contemporary looks.

Modern Flames Electric Fireplaces include features such as advanced heat management systems, which help in keeping your TV safe. These models often come with a built-in fan that distributes heat more evenly across the room.

This ensures a lower temperature region above the fireplace. Their slim profiles make them perfect for mounting under most smart TVs without requiring extra space or complicated installations.

Moreover, Modern Flames provides several options like wall-mounted and recessed units that easily integrate with different types of home decor. The realistic LED flame effects create an inviting ambiance while maintaining electronic safety standards.

This makes it easier to find a unit that fits both the size of your living area and aesthetic preferences.

Remii Electric Fireplaces

Remii electric fireplaces are a great choice for mounting smart TVs above because of their modern design and efficient heat management. These units distribute heat evenly, keeping the area where a TV would be mounted cooler than other fireplace types.

Remii also offers various models that feature adjustable flame settings, allowing you to customize your ambiance without compromising electronic safety.

With multiple sizes available, Remii electric fireplaces can suit different room dimensions and decor styles. Their sleek builds ensure they don't protrude too far from the wall, making them ideal for tighter spaces.

Heat output is controlled well enough to safeguard your smart TV's longevity while maintaining an optimal viewing experience in style.

SimpliFire Electric Fireplaces

SimpliFire Electric Fireplaces offer excellent options for mounting a Smart TV above them. They feature advanced heat management systems that direct warmth away from electronics, keeping your TV safe.

Many SimpliFire models also come with customizable flame settings and remote controls, adding convenience to their sleek designs.

These fireplaces are built with user-friendly features like easy installation methods and cool-touch exteriors. Their larger models allow ample space for TVs of various sizes while maintaining aesthetic symmetry in the room.

With different styles available, you can easily find a SimpliFire fireplace that matches your home decor while ensuring electronic safety and comfort.

Additional Tips for Integrating Smart TVs and Electric Fireplaces

Use cable management tools to keep cords neat and hidden. Adjust the viewing angle to ensure comfort while watching TV.

Cable management and connectivity options

Having neat cable management is crucial for a clean look around your mounted smart TV. Use cord covers to hide cables and wires running down the wall. You can find these in different colors to blend with your wall color.

Another option is routing cables through the wall, requiring a bit more effort but offering a cleaner finish.

Choose high-quality HDMI and power cables that suit your setup needs. Ensure these are long enough to reach from the TV to various devices like Blu-ray players, gaming consoles, or sound systems without stretching or straining.

Regularly check connections to ensure they remain secure and free of dust buildup, which can affect performance.

For optimal viewer comfort...

Viewing angle and viewer comfort

Proper viewing angle impacts viewer comfort significantly. Mounting the TV above an electric fireplace often places it higher than eye level when seated. Tilting or full-motion mounts help adjust the screen downward, reducing neck strain and offering a better viewing experience.

Maintaining proper distance between the sofa and TV ensures viewer comfort. Experts recommend keeping the center of the TV under 70 inches high for optimal viewing. Match your seating arrangement to maintain balance, so everyone can watch comfortably without needing to look up too much.


Mounting a Smart TV above an electric fireplace can create a stylish focal point in your room. Ensure the heat from the fireplace doesn’t affect your TV by maintaining an optimal distance.

Choose between tilting and full-motion mounts for the best viewing experience. Test wall temperature before installation to keep your electronics safe. Select a smart TV that matches the width of your fireplace for symmetry.

With these steps, you can enjoy both warmth and entertainment seamlessly placed together.


1. Can any smart TV be mounted over an electric fireplace?

Yes, most smart TVs can be mounted over an electric fireplace if they meet the size and weight requirements of the mount.

2. Is it safe to mount a smart TV over an electric fireplace?

Yes, it is generally safe to mount a smart TV over an electric fireplace as long as proper ventilation and heat management are ensured.

3. What size of smart TV is best for mounting above an electric fireplace?

The best size depends on your room's layout, but typically a 50-65 inch TV works well above most fireplaces.

4. Do I need special tools to mount my smart TV over an electric fireplace?

You will need basic tools like a drill, level, and screwdriver to properly install the wall mount for your TV.

5. Should I hire a professional to mount my smart TV over an electric fireplace?

It is recommended to hire a professional if you are not comfortable with DIY installations or want to ensure safety and accuracy.

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