What Size Electric Fireplace For 85 Inch Tv ? - Fireplace Choice
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What Size Electric Fireplace For 85 Inch Tv ?

By Pedro Calcano June 16, 2024 0 comments

what size electric fireplace for 85 inch tv?

A modern living room with a large electric fireplace and TV.

Are you wondering what size electric fireplace to get for your 85 inch TV? Choosing the right size matters to maintain a balanced look and optimal heat distribution. This article will guide you on how to select an electric fireplace that matches your TV perfectly.

Keep reading for easy tips on achieving a stylish and functional setup!

Key Takeaways

  • An 85-inch TV pairs best with an electric fireplace that is at least three-quarters the width of the TV, ensuring a balanced and cohesive look.
  • Place the electric fireplace around 10 to 18 inches below the TV for optimal viewing and heating alignment.
  • Choose fireplaces with efficient heat distribution measured by BTU ratings suitable for your room size.
  • Look for models like Dimplex IgniteXL or Modern Flames Orion Slim, which offer sleek designs, realistic flame effects, and advanced features like remote control and adjustable heat settings.

Importance of Proportional Sizing

A cozy living room with an electric fireplace and stylish furniture.

Proportional sizing keeps the room looking balanced and stylish. It also ensures efficient heat distribution from your electric fireplace.

Aesthetic balance between TV and fireplace

Balance the TV and fireplace for a cohesive look. An 85-inch TV pairs well with an electric fireplace of similar width, around 85 inches. Proportional sizing creates visual harmony in the room.

Ensure both elements are central and aligned to avoid lopsided views.

Consider the height placement too. The bottom of your TV should roughly match the top edge of your fireplace. This arrangement fosters an even sightline, making it comfortable for viewing and heating purposes.

Cable management features add to the sleek appearance by hiding cords out of sight.

The key to great design is capturing the spirit of the client and essence of space. – Tony Stavish

Functional considerations for heat distribution

Electric fireplaces offer more than just visual appeal; they also provide warmth. Consider the British Thermal Unit (BTU) rating, which measures heat output. Higher BTUs mean more heat.

Ensure your fireplace's BTU rating matches the room size for efficient heating.

Placement impacts heat distribution too. If possible, avoid placing the TV directly above high-output models to protect it from excessive heat. Instead, mount the fireplace at a lower level or use models with a front-venting design.

Some electric fireplaces have adjustable settings and built-in thermostats for customizable comfort throughout various seasons.

### Recommended Fireplace Dimensions for 85 Inch TVs

Recommended Fireplace Dimensions for 85 Inch TVs

An 85-inch TV mounted above an electric fireplace in a cozy living room setting.

The electric fireplace should be at least three-quarters the width of your 85-inch TV. Position the fireplace around 10 to 12 inches below the TV for optimal balance.

Minimum width considerations

An 85-inch TV calls for a fireplace that is at least 85 inches wide. This width maintains symmetry and visual appeal in the room. Choosing a smaller fireplace can make the setup look unbalanced and less attractive.

The standard dimensions for an 85-inch electric fireplace are about 85 inches wide, 17 inches deep, and 34 inches high.

Ensuring correct cable management enhances both functionality and appearance. Many fireplaces come with built-in storage options like panel doors and fixed shelves to keep cables neat.

These features not only help maintain a clean look but also contribute to the overall design harmony between your TV and fireplace.

- Ideal height placement relative to TV

Ideal height placement relative to TV

To get the best viewing experience, position the TV so that the center of the screen is at your eye level. This helps reduce neck strain and provides a more comfortable watching angle.

Place the electric fireplace beneath or around 12-18 inches below the TV. This gap ensures heat from fireplaces like those by Dimplex or Modern Flames doesn't affect your TV while maintaining an elegant look in your living room.

The right setup means comfort and style meet harmoniously.

Exploring Electric Fireplace Options for 85 Inch TVs

Check out different brands to find the best electric fireplace for your home. Some models even offer extra features like remote control and adjustable heat settings.

Overview of Dimplex Electric Fireplaces

Dimplex Electric Fireplaces are known for their sleek design and advanced technology. They offer various sizes and styles to match any home decor. Their models, like the IgniteXL series, provide a realistic flame effect that enhances the aesthetic appeal of any room.

These fireplaces also feature efficient heat distribution systems that ensure even warmth throughout your space.

Many Dimplex units come with optional media consoles for cable management and storage, perfect for organizing electronics around an 85-inch TV. With safety features like cool-touch glass and automatic shut-off functions, these fireplaces are both beautiful and practical choices for large rooms or family areas.

Discovering Modern Flames Electric Fireplaces

Modern Flames Electric Fireplaces offer sleek and modern designs that perfectly complement an 85-inch TV. These fireplaces come with smart features such as remote control, multiple flame settings, and a variety of heat options.

Their linear models are especially popular because they create a dramatic visual effect that enhances any living space.

The Modern Flames Orion Slim 60" Virtual Fireplace stands out for its ultra-thin profile and realistic flame effects. It provides ample heat while maintaining energy efficiency, making it both stylish and functional.

Next up is the segment exploring the benefits of choosing Remii Electric Fireplaces.

Benefits of Choosing Remii Electric Fireplaces

Remii Electric Fireplaces offer a sleek design that can perfectly match your 85-inch TV. Their width typically aligns well with large screens, creating a balanced and visually appealing setup in any living room.

These fireplaces also include cable management options, helping to keep your entertainment area tidy and organized.

Another benefit of Remii Electric Fireplaces is their heat distribution capability. They efficiently warm up large spaces without overheating smaller areas, making them an excellent choice for spacious rooms housing big televisions.

Additionally, most models come with convenient storage features like fixed shelves and panel doors, providing extra space for other devices or decorative items.

Simplifire Electric Fireplaces: Features and Advantages

Simplifire electric fireplaces offer a blend of style and practicality. They come in sizes that can fit under an 85-inch TV, creating a harmonious look in your living space. Simplifire models often include advanced features like adjustable heat settings and remote controls for easy operation.

The fireplaces are designed to provide efficient heat distribution without the hassle of traditional wood or gas options. They also include cable management solutions, making it simple to keep wires organized.

The fixed shelves help store media devices neatly, adding convenience and functionality to your home setup.

Featured Electric Fireplaces for 85 Inch TVs

Discover top electric fireplaces that perfectly match an 85 inch TV.

Dimplex IgniteXL 74" Linear Electric Fireplace: A Detailed Look

The Dimplex IgniteXL 74" Linear Electric Fireplace offers a modern and sleek design. It measures approximately 74 inches wide, making it an excellent choice for balancing the proportions with an 85-inch TV.

This electric fireplace is known for its realistic flame effect, which adds to the ambiance of any room. With its Edge-to-Edge Glass feature, it provides a full view of the dazzling flames from every angle.

This fireplace also includes advanced heating technology designed to distribute warmth evenly across larger spaces. Its multi-function remote control allows easy adjustments to both heat and flame settings.

Plus, it's energy-efficient and certified by the Forest Stewardship Council, ensuring environmentally responsible sourcing practices.

Modern Flames Orion Slim 60" Virtual Fireplace: Why It's a Top Choice

The Modern Flames Orion Slim 60" Virtual Fireplace stands out due to its sleek design and realistic flame effects. It fits perfectly below an 85-inch TV, creating a balanced look in your living room.

The slim build does not take up much space, making it ideal for both small and large rooms. Plus, the virtual flames give you the cozy feel of a real fire without any of the mess.

This fireplace also offers efficient heating to keep your space warm during colder months. With adjustable settings, you can control the temperature easily for comfort all year round.

Its user-friendly features make it simple to operate with just a remote or even through smart home systems like Alexa or Google Home. Next, let's explore what makes Simplifire Scion 55" Built-in Linear Electric Fireplace an excellent option as well.

Simplifire Scion 55" Built-in Linear Electric Fireplace: An Overview

The Simplifire Scion 55" built-in linear electric fireplace offers a sleek and modern design. Its 55-inch width pairs well with an 85-inch TV, providing a balanced look in any room.

The dimensions of this fireplace are tailored to fit various wall spaces without overwhelming them. It brings both aesthetic appeal and practical heating, enhancing comfort during colder months.

LED flame effects create realistic visuals that can be adjusted for brightness. This feature allows customization based on mood or occasion. Additionally, the Simplifire Scion includes multiple heat settings to cater to different preferences.

For those concerned about safety, it also has overheat protection and cool-touch glass panels, ensuring peace of mind while enjoying its warmth and ambiance.


Make sure your electric fireplace complements your 85-inch TV. Choose a width that matches the TV for a balanced look. Consider heights and placements for best viewing and heating.

Explore various models like Dimplex and Simplifire to find the perfect fit. Enjoy both style and function with your new setup!


1. What size electric fireplace is best for an 85-inch TV?

For an 85-inch TV, choose an electric fireplace that is at least 70 inches wide to ensure balance and aesthetics.

2. Can I buy the right size electric fireplace on Amazon.com?

Yes, you can find a variety of electric fireplaces suitable for your 85-inch TV on Amazon.com.

3. Should I hire craftsmen to install my electric fireplace?

Hiring skilled craftsmen ensures proper installation and safety when setting up your new electric fireplace.

4. Do all large TVs need bigger fireplaces?

Generally, larger TVs like an 85-inch require wider fireplaces to maintain visual harmony in your living space.

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