What To Look For In An Electric Fireplace Considerations For Shopping - Fireplace Choice
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What To Look For In An Electric Fireplace Considerations For Shopping

By Pedro Calcano June 16, 2024 0 comments

What to Look for in an Electric Fireplace? Considerations for Shopping

Modern electric fireplace in a cozy living room with stylish decor.

Are you tired of dealing with the mess and hassle of a traditional fireplace? Electric fireplaces are a clean, energy-efficient solution that offers both warmth and ambiance. In this article, we will discuss what to look for when shopping for an electric fireplace, covering key features like heat output, safety options, and innovative technologies.

Keep reading to find the perfect electric fireplace for your home!

Key Takeaways

  • Choose an electric fireplace with the right heat output for your room size. Models range from 4,000 to 10,000 BTUs.
  • Safety is crucial; look for features like overheat protection, automatic shutoff, and cool-to-touch glass.
  • Different installation options include wall-mounted, built-in, and free-standing models that offer flexibility based on your space needs.
  • Modern features such as LED flames and remote controls add convenience and enhance the ambiance of your home.
  • Make sure the electric fireplace fits well within your room’s layout without overcrowding other furnishings.

Key Considerations When Choosing an Electric Fireplace

A cozy living room with an electric fireplace and safety features.

Think about how much heat you'll need and the size of your room. Ensure it has safety features to prevent accidents.

Installation options

There are various installation options for electric fireplaces. Choosing the right one depends on your space and preferences.

  • Wall-Mounted Electric Fireplaces: These models hang directly on the wall. They save floor space and often come with LED technology that mimics real flames. You can install them at eye level to enhance the room's ambiance.
  • Built-in and Recessed Fireplaces: These require a cavity in your wall for installation. They blend seamlessly into the room's design and offer a sleek, modern look. Hardwired installation is usually needed, so hiring an electrician is advisable.
  • Free Standing Electric Fireplaces: Free standing models do not need any installation. Plug them into an electrical outlet, and they are ready to use. They can be moved easily from one room to another.
  • Fireplace Inserts: These fit inside existing masonry or metal fireplaces. They provide supplemental heating without chimney requirements. Fireplace inserts are ideal if you have an old wood-burning fireplace you want to upgrade.
  • Corner Electric Fireplaces: Designed to fit snugly into corners, these units maximize space usage. They provide efficient heating and create a cozy nook in any room.

Each type has its own benefits depending on your home's layout and your heating needs.

Heat output and BTU ratings

Continuing from the topic of installation options, let's now focus on heat output and BTU ratings. Understanding these metrics helps you choose the right electric fireplace for your needs.

Key Consideration


Heat Output

Measured in BTUs (British Thermal Units). Higher BTUs mean more heat.

BTU Ratings

Electric fireplaces range from 4,000 to 10,000 BTUs. Choose based on room size.

Room Size

Small spaces need fewer BTUs. Larger rooms require higher BTU ratings.

Adjustable Heat

Many models allow you to adjust heat settings for comfort and efficiency.

Energy Efficiency

Look for models with high energy efficiency to save on utility bills.

Heat Distribution

Some fireplaces come with fans or blowers to distribute heat evenly.

Next, let's explore the types of electric fireplaces available to you.

Safety features

Electric fireplaces offer warmth and ambiance to any room. However, safety features are crucial to ensure they operate safely and efficiently.

  1. Overheat Protection

    An electric fireplace should have overheat protection. This feature shuts off the unit if it gets too hot, preventing potential fires.
  2. Automatic Shutoff

    Some models come with an automatic shutoff function. This enhances safety by turning off the fireplace after a set period or if it tips over.
  3. Cool-to-Touch Glass

    Many units feature cool-to-touch glass fronts. This prevents burns, making them safer around children and pets.
  4. Safety Grates

    Safety grates can stop objects from getting inside the fireplace while it’s running. These grates help prevent accidents and protect internal components.
  5. Thermostat Control

    Thermostat control allows you to set a desired temperature for the room. It helps maintain a safe operating temperature and can improve energy efficiency.
  6. CSA/UL Certification

    Always look for CSA or UL certification marks on your electric heater packaging or manual. These certifications ensure that the product meets strict safety standards.
  7. Child Lock Features

    Some fireplaces include child lock features on remote controls or apps, adding an extra layer of safety in households with curious kids.
  8. Surge Protector Compatibility

    Using a surge protector can shield your electric fireplace from electrical surges, protecting both the appliance and your home’s wiring system.

Types of Electric Fireplaces

An electric fireplace seamlessly integrated into a modern interior design.

Electric fireplaces come in various styles to suit different spaces and tastes. You can choose from models that hang on the wall, fit seamlessly into built-in units, or stand alone in any room.


Wall-mounted electric fireplaces save space and offer a sleek look. They fit easily on any wall, just like a flat-screen TV. With many options for flame colors and LED flames, they create a cozy atmosphere without taking up floor space.

These models are often energy-efficient and can use standard wall outlets. Some even come with remote controls or apps for easy operation. Wall-mounted fireplaces add style to living rooms, bedrooms, and even basements while improving indoor air quality since they don't burn wood or release pollutants.

Built-in and Recessed

Built-in and recessed electric fireplaces offer a sleek and modern look. These models require installation directly into walls or existing fireplaces, making them a permanent addition to your home.

Built-in units often feature realistic flame effects using LED lightbulbs or liquid crystal displays (LCDs). Some models even include multicolor flame options to set the perfect ambiance.

These types of fireplaces are great for saving space. They do not take up floor area, allowing more room for furniture and decor. Heat output in built-in units varies, so check BTU ratings to ensure adequate warmth for your room size.

Up next, let's explore free-standing electric fireplaces.

Free Standing

Free-standing electric fireplaces offer the most flexibility for any room. They don't require installation and can plug into a standard wall socket. You can move them around easily, similar to how you would rearrange furniture in your home.

These units come in various styles, so they fit well with many different decor themes.

They often feature realistic LED flames that add ambiance without producing actual heat, making them safer for homes with kids or pets. Heat output is adjustable, providing warmth when needed while keeping energy consumption low.

Whether placing one in a living room or even bathrooms, free-standing models combine convenience with style.

- Innovative Features in Modern Electric Fireplaces

Innovative Features in Modern Electric Fireplaces

Modern electric fireplaces offer stunning LED and LCD flame technologies.

LED and LCD flame technologies

LED and LCD flame technologies bring a lifelike glow to electric fireplaces. LED bulbs create vibrant, energy-efficient flames that last longer than traditional incandescent lights.

They consume less electricity, making them cost-effective over time. Different settings allow users to adjust the brightness and color of the flames for a customized experience.

LCD screens use images and video loops to simulate realistic fires. These high-definition displays show detailed flame patterns that can be changed with remote controls or smart apps.

Both technologies offer clean air benefits since they do not produce smoke or pollutants like wood-burning stoves do.

Multicolor flame options

Multicolor flame options make electric fireplaces more attractive. You can choose different colors like blue, red, or green to suit your mood. This feature often uses LED lights to create vibrant and realistic flames without the hassle of wood burning.

Change the flame color with just a remote control or an app on your smartphone for quick adjustments.

This innovative option also has practical benefits. Using LEDs in multicolor flames reduces energy consumption compared to traditional bulbs like CFLs. LED technology lasts longer and helps save on electricity bills in kilowatt-hours.

The result is a blend of beauty and efficiency in modern electric fireplaces that enhances any living space effortlessly.

Explore Top Electric Fireplace Brands and Models

Discover popular electric fireplace brands and models that offer stylish designs and efficient performance.

Dimplex Electric Fireplaces

Dimplex Electric Fireplaces offer sleek designs with advanced features. Many models use LED technology to create realistic flames that can change color and brightness. These fireplaces also often include a remote control for easy operation, making them user-friendly.

Safety is a priority in Dimplex Electric Fireplaces. They come with built-in safety features like automatic shut-off systems and cool-to-the-touch surfaces to prevent burns. Some even have thermostat controls to maintain the room's temperature efficiently, reducing energy consumption while providing comfort.

Modern Flames Electric Fireplaces

Modern Flames Electric Fireplaces stand out for their innovative designs and advanced technologies. They offer sleek options like wall-mounted and built-in units, making them a popular choice for modern homes.

Each unit often features state-of-the-art LED flame technology that creates realistic fire effects, providing both ambience and warmth.

These fireplaces are designed with user convenience in mind. Many models come with remote controls or apps that allow you to adjust settings from anywhere in the room. With options like multicolor flames and different heat settings, Modern Flames offers something to fit every style and need.

Their products also focus on safety, ensuring peace of mind while enhancing your living space.

Remii Electric Fireplaces

Remii Electric Fireplaces stand out with their sleek designs and a wide range of sizes. These fireplaces use advanced LED flame technologies, providing realistic flames that can enhance any room's ambiance.

They offer multicolor flame options, allowing you to change the mood with just a press of a button.

Energy efficiency is another highlight as Remii fireplaces consume less electricity than other heating methods. This makes them cost-effective and better for the environment. Safety features include automatic shut-off timers, preventing overheating or fires.

Simplifire Electric Fireplaces

Simplifire Electric Fireplaces offer a simple solution for adding warmth and style to any room. These fireplaces include multiple installation options, such as wall-mounted or recessed units.

They are known for their realistic flame effects and adjustable heat settings. Some models even allow you to operate the flame effect without producing heat, providing ambiance year-round.

Safety features in Simplifire models ensure peace of mind with automatic shut-off and cool-to-touch glass fronts. Their energy-efficient designs use less wattage compared to traditional wood-burning fireplaces, making them eco-friendly choices that don’t pollute indoor air quality.

The ease of maintenance adds extra convenience since there's no need for ventilation or dealing with ashes.

- How to Determine the Right Size and Placement

How to Determine the Right Size and Placement

Measure the room dimensions to ensure you pick the right size electric fireplace. Consider other furnishings when deciding on placement for optimal heating and aesthetic appeal.

Space requirements

Determine the available space for your electric fireplace before making a purchase. Electric fireplace inserts fit into existing spaces like an old wood-burning firebox, saving room.

For free-standing models, check the floor area and ensure enough clearance from walls and furniture.

Wall-mounted fireplaces need ample wall space and solid anchors. Make sure you have easy access to a power outlet or plan on using an extension cord safely. Keeping these tips in mind will help you find the right size electric fireplace for your home.

Placement considerations relative to other furnishings

Ensure the electric fireplace complements your existing furniture. Position it where it can serve as a focal point without overcrowding the room. Avoid placing it too close to other heat-sensitive items like couches, curtains, or wooden shelves.

Consider how the electric fireplace will interact with other lighting in the room, such as CFL bulbs or lamps. Think about visibility from different seating areas to maintain balance and avoid glare on screens.

Proper placement enhances safety and energy efficiency in HVAC systems while adding warmth to your living space.

Electric Fireplace Efficiency and Maintenance

Electric fireplaces use less energy than traditional gas or wood fireplaces. Routine maintenance includes dusting the vents and replacing bulbs as needed.

Energy consumption

Electric fireplaces use less energy than traditional wood-burning or gas fireplaces. They convert almost all their input power into heat, which means they are efficient. Many models let you adjust the heat output to save even more on your electric bill.

By subscribing to modern technology, these units can help reduce pollution since there is no need for burning fuel.

Some electric fireplaces consume as little as 1,500 watts per hour when providing maximum heat. This level of energy consumption makes them a good choice for people looking to lower their household expenses.

All-electric models do not produce smoke or fumes, making them an environmentally friendly option for heating your home effectively and efficiently.

Ease of maintenance

Cleaning and maintaining an electric fireplace is simple. Dust the exterior regularly. Gently clean the glass with a soft cloth to ensure a clear view of the flames.

All-electric fireplaces require less upkeep compared to traditional ones. No need for chimney cleaning or fuel replacement. Ensure that air vents are free from obstructions for optimal performance.

Additional Features to Consider

Some electric fireplaces come with remote controls for easy operation. Others have built-in thermostats to help maintain a comfortable temperature.

Remote controls and apps

Remote controls and apps make controlling your electric fireplace simple. Many modern models come with a remote, allowing users to adjust settings from the comfort of their couch. No need to get up; change the heat, flame colors, or even set a timer with just a click.

Apps add another layer of convenience. Download an app on your smartphone and enjoy features like scheduling when the fireplace turns on or off. Control multiple fireplaces in different rooms all from one device.

Apps can also send alerts if any issues arise, making maintenance easier than ever before.

Thermostat and timer functions

Thermostat and timer functions add significant convenience to electric fireplaces. Users can set a specific temperature, and the fireplace will maintain this warmth without continual adjustment.

This feature ensures energy efficiency as the unit turns off when the room reaches the desired heat level, reducing unnecessary power usage.

Timers allow users to control how long the fireplace operates. For instance, you can set it to turn off after you’ve gone to bed or on for welcoming warmth in the morning. These functions offer greater flexibility and ease of use compared to traditional fireplaces.

Next, we'll look into remote controls and apps that enhance these innovative features.

Conclusion: Making Your Final Decision

Shopping for an electric fireplace can be exciting. Focus on the installation options that fit your space. Check the heat output to ensure it meets your needs. Don't forget about safety features like automatic shut-off and cool-to-touch glass.

Look at modern innovations such as LED flames and remote controls for added convenience. Choose a model that matches both your style and heating requirements.


1. What should I consider when choosing an electric fireplace?

When choosing an electric fireplace, check if it is all-electric and does not require a fuse.

2. Can I subscribe to updates or services for my electric fireplace?

Yes, some brands offer subscription services for maintenance and updates on your all-electric fireplaces.

3. Are there safety features in electric fireplaces?

Many modern electric fireplaces come with built-in safety features like automatic shut-off to prevent overheating and the need for fuses.

4. Do all-electric fireplaces need special installation?

Most all-electric fireplaces are easy to install without needing special wiring or fuses, making them convenient for any home.

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