Why Does My Electric Fireplace Keep Turning On And Off By Itself? - Fireplace Choice
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Why Does My Electric Fireplace Keep Turning On And Off By Itself?

By Pedro Calcano June 19, 2024 0 comments

Why Does My Electric Fireplace Keep Turning On And Off By Itself

A malfunctioning electric fireplace with remote control surrounded by home furniture.

Is your electric fireplace turning on and off by itself, leaving you puzzled? This common issue often stems from problems with the remote control, thermostat, or even internal heating elements.

Our guide will walk you through potential causes and troubleshooting tips to fix this annoying problem. Keep reading to solve the mystery!

Key Takeaways

  • Faulty thermostat settings can cause your electric fireplace to turn on and off by itself. Adjusting or replacing the thermostat might fix the issue.
  • Remote control interference from other electronic devices can disrupt your fireplace's operation. Fresh batteries and relocating interfering devices often help.
  • A malfunctioning circuit breaker might lead to inconsistent power supply, making the fireplace act erratically. Inspect and reset the breaker if necessary.
  • Overheating due to poor ventilation or dust buildup on heating elements can trigger automatic shut-offs. Ensure proper airflow and clean regularly.
  • Persistent issues with your electric fireplace may require professional help for safe and efficient resolution.

Common Reasons for Electric Fireplaces Turning On and Off

A cozy living room with a flickering electric fireplace.

Sometimes, electric fireplaces behave unpredictably. Various factors can cause them to turn on and off by themselves.


Faulty Thermostat Settings

A malfunctioning thermostat might cause your electric fireplace to turn on and off by itself. A broken thermostat can send incorrect signals, cycling the heater unnecessarily. Overheating could also trigger automatic shut-off features built into some units for safety.

Adjusting or replacing the faulty thermostat can often resolve this issue. Check if the settings are correct or if there's any visible damage that needs fixing. Setting up in a well-ventilated area helps prevent overheating problems too.

If these steps don’t help, a professional technician might need to inspect it further to avoid persistent electrical issues and ensure safe operation.

Remote Control Interference

Remote control interference can cause electric fireplaces to turn on and off by themselves. Other electronic devices in your home can send signals that confuse the fireplace's remote system.

For instance, a nearby TV or clothes dryer might emit frequencies that meddle with your fireplace's operations.

Sometimes, an old remote battery is all it takes to create chaos, says HVAC expert John Miller.

Ensure the batteries are fresh and check if other remotes are causing issues. If problems persist, consider relocating devices or shielding them from one another. This simple adjustment often solves many cases of random activations.

Malfunctioning Circuit Breaker

A malfunctioning circuit breaker can cause your electric fireplace to turn on and off by itself. Circuit breakers control the flow of electricity in your home, including to the power cord that supplies energy to your fireplace.

If a breaker trips frequently or has damage, it might not deliver consistent electrical supply, leading to interruptions.

Inspecting the circuit breaker is crucial for identifying issues. Turn off all connected devices and check if the breaker shows signs of wear or overheating. Replacing a faulty breaker with help from a general contractor can ensure safe operation.

Avoid using light switches on the same circuit as high-power appliances like electric fireplaces to prevent overloads.

Troubleshooting Tips

A modern thermostat surrounded by electronic devices and a remote control.

Start by checking the thermostat settings to see if they are accurate. Examine the remote control system for possible interference.


Checking and Adjusting the Thermostat

Electric fireplaces can sometimes turn on and off by themselves due to thermostat issues. Checking and adjusting the thermostat can solve this problem.

  1. Locate the Thermostat: Find where the thermostat is placed on your electric fireplace. It's usually near the power buttons or inside a panel.
  2. Inspect the Settings: Check if the settings are correct. Set the desired temperature to ensure it matches the room's requirements.
  3. Test Different Temperatures: Slowly increase or decrease the temperature settings to see if it affects how often the fireplace turns on and off.
  4. Clean Around the Thermostat: Dust and debris can accumulate around the thermostat, causing it to malfunction. Use a dry cloth to wipe away any dirt.
  5. Resetting Options: Some electric fireplaces have a reset button for their thermostat. Press this button to restore factory settings.
  6. Compare with Room Temperature: Use a separate thermometer to compare your room’s actual temperature with what your thermostat displays.
  7. Look for Software Glitches: A software glitch may cause erratic behavior in modern electric fireplaces. Restarting or updating its firmware might help resolve this issue.

Following these steps should get you closer to resolving any suspect thermostat issues causing your electric fireplace woes.

Inspecting the Remote Control System

Inspecting the remote control system is crucial when your electric fireplace keeps turning on and off by itself. These steps can help you identify and solve the issue:

  1. Check the Batteries: Ensure the remote control has fresh, working batteries. Weak or dead batteries can cause erratic behavior.
  2. Inspect for Interference: Other electronic devices might interfere with the remote signal. Microwave ovens, cordless phones, or other remotes might cause this interference.
  3. Reset the Remote: Turn off your fireplace and remove the batteries from the remote. Wait a few minutes before reinstalling the batteries and turning everything back on.
  4. Examine Signal Range: Verify that you are within the proper range to control your fireplace effectively. Most remotes work best within 15-20 feet of the unit.
  5. Clean Infrared Sensors: Dust and dirt can block infrared signals between the remote and fireplace. Use a soft cloth to gently clean both sensors.
  6. Test with Another Remote: If possible, test the fireplace functions using another compatible remote to see if it's an issue with your original one.
  7. Look for Obstructions: Objects blocking line-of-sight between the remote and sensor can disrupt operation. Move any items obstructing this pathway.
  8. Update Firmware: Some electric fireplaces allow firmware updates through their remotes or main unit controls to fix software glitches causing erratic behavior.
  9. Check User Manual: Refer to your electric fireplace’s manual for specific troubleshooting tips related to its remote control system.
  10. Contact Manufacturer Support: If all else fails, reaching out to customer support may provide additional insights or solutions tailored to your model's needs.

These steps will help ensure that your home improvement efforts are effective in maintaining a reliable builder-client relationship by addressing persistent issues accurately.

Evaluating the Circuit Breaker and Power Supply

A circuit breaker or power supply issue can cause an electric fireplace to turn on and off by itself. Follow these steps to evaluate the situation:

  1. Locate the Circuit Breaker Panel: Find your home’s circuit breaker panel, usually located in a garage, basement, or utility room.
  2. Identify the Breaker for Your Fireplace: Look for the label on the panel that indicates which breaker controls your electric fireplace.
  3. Check for Tripped Breakers: Inspect if the breaker is in the “off” position or halfway between “on” and “off.” A tripped breaker often causes electrical interruptions.
  4. Reset the Breaker: Switch it fully to "off" before flipping it back to "on." This resets most minor electrical interruptions and may solve your problem.
  5. Inspect Wiring Connections: Ensure all connections from the electric fireplace to its power source are secure and intact. Loose wires can cause intermittent power issues.
  6. Examine for Overloading Circuits: Calculate if your fireplace shares its circuit with other high-power devices like appliances, as this can lead to overloads causing it to shut off unexpectedly.
  7. Test Outlet Voltage with a Multimeter: Use a multimeter to check that your outlet provides consistent voltage (usually around 120 volts). Uneven voltage or drops can trigger automatic shut-off features.
  8. Check Power Cord Condition: Look at the power cord for any signs of wear, fraying, or damage that might affect electrical flow.
  9. Ensure Proper Ventilation and Cooling: Make sure your fireplace is not overheating due to poor airflow which might lead to frequent shutdowns as a safety mechanism.
  10. Use a Dedicated Circuit If Possible: Connect your electric fireplace to a dedicated circuit line when feasible, reducing chances of interference from other devices affecting its performance.

Evaluating each of these areas helps in identifying any electrical faults that might be causing your electric fireplace to turn on and off by itself.

Exploring Electric Fireplace Collections for Potential Solutions

Explore various electric fireplace collections for potential solutions to your problem. Discover models that may better suit your needs.


Dimplex Electric Fireplaces

Dimplex electric fireplaces offer sleek designs and reliable performance. Many people trust the brand for its energy-efficient models and user-friendly features. Dimplex units often come with adjustable thermostats, which help maintain a comfortable temperature without frequent cycling on and off.

These fireplaces also integrate advanced technology to minimize electronic interference from other devices. Homeowners appreciate their versatile installation options, making them suitable for various room settings.

If you experience persistent issues, contacting Dimplex’s customer support can provide solutions tailored to your needs or professional assistance if required.

Modern Flames Electric Fireplaces

Modern Flames Electric Fireplaces offer sleek and modern designs, providing efficient heating solutions. These fireplaces are equipped with advanced thermostat settings and remote control systems which can occasionally cause issues like turning on and off by themselves.

If the temperature settings are incorrect or if there is interference from other devices, the unit may malfunction.

Overheating also poses a risk for these fireplaces. Placing them in well-ventilated areas helps prevent this issue, ensuring they operate smoothly without interruptions. Regular maintenance, such as cleaning dust off heating elements, helps avoid overheating problems that could trigger automatic shut-offs.

If persistent issues arise despite troubleshooting steps, consulting a professional can safeguard both your fireplace's performance and safety.

Remii Electric Fireplaces

Remii Electric Fireplaces offer a blend of modern design and reliable functionality. These fireplaces come with advanced thermostat controls to maintain consistent heat levels. If your Remii model turns on and off unexpectedly, check if the thermostat settings are configured correctly or if there's interference from other devices.

Internal heating elements in Remii Electric Fireplaces feature automatic shut-off functions for safety. Overheating can trigger this mechanism, so ensure proper ventilation around your fireplace.

For persistent issues, it’s wise to consult with professional technicians who have experience dealing with electric fireplaces.

-Simplifire Electric Fireplaces

Simplifire Electric Fireplaces

Simplifire Electric Fireplaces offer a wide range of beautiful, high-quality models that can enhance any home. These fireplaces are designed with advanced technology to ensure efficient heating and easy operation.

Despite their quality, they can still encounter issues like turning on and off by themselves. Problems could arise from thermostat malfunctions or software glitches within the control system.

To resolve these issues, you may need to reset your Simplifire unit or update its firmware. Regular maintenance is also crucial for preventing dust buildup on internal components, which can cause overheating.

If problems persist, contacting a professional for further assistance will help maintain the safety and efficiency of your electric fireplace setup.

When to Seek Professional Help

If your electric fireplace keeps turning off and on, you might need professional help. A technician can check for electrical issues that could be dangerous.

Persistent Electrical Issues

Ignoring persistent electrical issues can lead to more significant problems. Overheating is a common cause of an electric fireplace turning off by itself. Dust and debris on the heating elements may block proper airflow, triggering automatic shut-off features.

Placing your fireplace in a well-ventilated area helps prevent overheating.

Faulty thermostats also cause unexpected cycling of the fireplace. If the thermostat misreads temperatures, it will turn the unit on and off incorrectly. Sometimes software glitches in the control system are at fault, making resets or firmware updates necessary.

Persistent issues should prompt contacting manufacturers or professional technicians for thorough diagnosis and repair, ensuring safety and efficiency.

Safety Concerns

Electric fireplaces can pose safety risks if not maintained properly. Overheating is a major concern, often caused by poor ventilation or dust buildup on the heating elements. Placing the fireplace in a well-ventilated area and regular cleaning reduces this risk.

Interference from remote controls and malfunctioning thermostats may also lead to unpredictable operation, posing a fire hazard. Persistent electrical issues should be addressed by professional technicians to ensure safe usage of your fireplace.

Seeking expert advice enhances safety and prevents potential dangers related to faulty electric fireplaces.


These common issues can often be easily fixed. Adjusting the thermostat might solve the problem. Check if other devices are interfering with your remote control. Inspect your circuit breaker to ensure it's not malfunctioning.

If these steps don't help, a professional technician can provide further assistance.


1. Why does my electric fireplace keep turning on and off by itself?

Your electric fireplace might turn on and off due to a faulty thermostat or overheating issues.

2. Can wiring problems cause my electric fireplace to malfunction?

Yes, loose or damaged wiring can make your electric fireplace behave unpredictably.

3. Should I call a professional if my electric fireplace keeps switching on and off?

Yes, contacting a professional ensures the problem is diagnosed correctly and maintains a good professional-client relationship.

4. Is it safe to use an electric fireplace that keeps turning on and off by itself?

No, it’s not safe. You should have it inspected by a qualified technician immediately.

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