Why Does My Electric Fireplace Smell Tips On How To Fix It? - Fireplace Choice
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Why Does My Electric Fireplace Smell Tips On How To Fix It?

By Pedro Calcano June 19, 2024 0 comments

Why Does My Electric Fireplace Smell? Tips on How to Fix It

A clean and modern electric fireplace in a well-lit interior setting.

Does your electric fireplace give off an odd smell? This is a common issue many people face. Often, the cause of odors can be traced back to dust accumulation or leftover manufacturing residues.

In this blog, you'll learn how to identify and fix these smells effectively. Keep reading!

Key Takeaways

  • Inspect for Electrical Issues: Check the electric fireplace for damaged wiring, faulty plugs, and signs of overheating to prevent burning smells.
  • Clean Regularly: Dust buildup can cause odors when heated. Clean both the interior and exterior of your electric fireplace with a soft cloth or vacuum.
  • Burn Off Residues: New fireplaces may emit odors from manufacturing residues like oils or plastics. Run the fireplace on high in a well-ventilated area to eliminate these smells faster.
  • Ensure Proper Installation: Installing your fireplace correctly can prevent electrical overloads and ensure proper airflow, reducing strange odors.
  • Use Odor Neutralizers: Apply products specifically designed to neutralize persistent smells in electric fireplaces for ongoing freshness.

Identifying the Source of the Smell

A photo of an open electrical panel with visible wires and dust buildup.

Check for any signs of electrical problems or burning wires. Inspect for dust buildup, which can cause odors when heated.

Electrical Melting or Burning

A burning smell from your electric fireplace may indicate electrical melting. Damaged wiring and faulty switches can overheat, causing a fire hazard. Extension cords not designed for high power levels can also lead to overheating and odors.

Inspect the fireplace and its components for signs of wear or damage. Look at extension cords, plugs, and outlets for melting or scorching marks. Ensuring proper installation helps prevent overheating and maintains safety.

Use only energy-efficient power strips certified for high wattage appliances to avoid electrical overloads.

Residue from Manufacturing

Electric fireplaces sometimes smell due to residue left from the manufacturing process. These residues might include oils, lubricants, or plastic particles that are present in new units.

When you first use the fireplace, this residue heats up and produces a burning odor. This scent usually disappears after several hours of continuous operation.

To eliminate this smell faster, run the fireplace on high for a few hours in a well-ventilated room. Doing so helps burn off any remaining oils or chemicals more quickly without filling your home with strong scents.

Using an odor neutralizer designed for electric fireplaces can also help manage these initial smells effectively.

Dust Accumulation

Dust buildup in an electric fireplace can emit unpleasant odors. As dust settles on internal components, the heat from the fireplace burns it off, creating a musty smell. Regular cleaning with a vacuum cleaner can help prevent this issue.

Dust accumulation inside the unit also affects performance over time. Dust-covered electrical wiring may cause overheating or malfunctions. Keeping your fireplace clean ensures it remains energy efficient and odor-free.

Practical Solutions for Eliminating Unpleasant Odors

An electric fireplace being cleaned in a cozy living room setting.

Use mild soap and water to clean the electric fireplace regularly. Ensure that there are no signs of electrical issues or overheating.

Cleaning the Fireplace

Cleaning an electric fireplace helps eliminate unpleasant odors. Follow these steps to make your fireplace smell fresh again:

  1. Turn off and Unplug - Always switch off and unplug the fireplace before cleaning. This prevents electrical shocks.
  2. Dust the Surface - Use a soft cloth to dust the exterior and interior surfaces. Dust can accumulate and cause a burnt smell.
  3. Vacuum Inside - A handheld vacuum is useful for removing dirt and debris from inside the fireplace. Ensure you reach all corners.
  4. Clean Glass Doors - Wipe down the glass doors with a glass cleaner or vinegar solution. Dirty glass can contribute to bad smells.
  5. Check Heater Element - Inspect the heater element for any signs of dust or residue build-up. Clean it gently with a brush.
  6. Wipe Vents - Dust or wipe vents using a damp cloth to remove any stubborn residue that might impact airflow and odor.
  7. Inspect Electrical Components - Check wires and plugs for any signs of damage or melting, which could be causing a burning smell.
  8. Use Odor Neutralizers - Apply products specifically designed for electric fireplaces to neutralize lingering odors safely.
  9. Re-assemble Carefully - After cleaning, reassemble everything correctly before plugging it back in to ensure proper functionality.

Regular cleaning keeps your electric fireplace in good condition and free from offensive smells.

Ensuring Proper Installation

Electric fireplaces need proper installation to function without issues. Follow these steps to ensure your electric fireplace is installed correctly:

  1. Read the Manual

    Always start by reading the manufacturer's instructions carefully. Each electric fireplace model may have specific requirements and guidelines.
  2. Inspect Electrical Connections

    Check all electrical connections for signs of wear or damage. Loose wires or faulty plugs can cause odors like melting plastic.
  3. Use the Right Outlet

    Plug the fireplace into a dedicated outlet with the correct voltage rating. Avoid using extension cords as they can overheat and produce smells.
  4. Check Ventilation

    Make sure there is enough space around the fireplace for proper airflow. Poor ventilation can lead to overheating and strange odors.
  5. Ensure Level Positioning

    Install the fireplace on a flat, stable surface to avoid tilting or wobbling, which could cause internal parts to malfunction and smell.
  6. Avoid Overloading Circuits

    Do not plug multiple high-wattage devices into the same circuit as this can cause electrical overloads, contributing to burning smells.
  7. Inspect Heating Elements

    Examine heating elements for any signs of damage or excessive dust accumulation before use.
  8. Secure Mounting Hardware

    If wall-mounted, ensure all brackets and screws are tightly secured according to the manufacturer’s guide.
  9. Set Thermostat Correctly

    Set your thermostat within the recommended range to prevent overheating that might release unpleasant odors.

Upon ensuring proper installation, you can be more confident in eliminating unpleasant smells from your electric fireplace with practical solutions such as cleaning it regularly.

Checking for Electrical Overloads

An electrical overload can cause burning smells and pose serious risks. Follow these steps to ensure your electric fireplace operates safely:

  1. Turn Off the Power

    Switch off the fireplace and unplug it from the wall socket. This prevents any accidental shocks.
  2. Inspect the Cord

    Look for signs of damage like fraying or melting. A damaged cord needs immediate replacement.
  3. Check the Plug

    Examine the plug for discoloration or a burnt smell. These could be signs of overheating, indicating an overload.
  4. Circuit Breaker Evaluation

    Open your circuit breaker panel and find the switch connected to your fireplace. Ensure it is not tripped; if it is, reset it but monitor closely for repeated issues.
  5. Wattage Check

    Refer to your fireplace’s user manual to confirm its wattage requirements. Compare this with what your outlet provides to avoid overloading circuits.
  6. Inspect Nearby Outlets

    Use a device to test nearby outlets and make sure they are working correctly without signs of burns or faults.
  7. Look at Connections

    Verify all connections within the fireplace unit are tight and secure, as loose wires can cause overheating and odors.
  8. Consult an Electrician

    If unsure about any finding, contact a licensed electrician for a professional checkup.

Proper installation plays a crucial role in keeping your electric fireplace odor-free...

Explore Our Electric Fireplace Collections

Discover our range of top-notch electric fireplaces that promise both style and warmth.

Dimplex Electric Fireplaces

Dimplex Electric Fireplaces provide warmth and comfort with a touch of elegance. Their designs fit modern tastes, offering various styles to suit any room. Dimplex models use advanced technology to look like real flames without the hassle of traditional fireplaces.

Many customers appreciate their energy-efficient features. These fireplaces also include safety measures, such as automatic shut-off systems and cool-touch glass fronts, making them safe for all family members.

Choose Dimplex for an electric fireplace that combines style with practical benefits.

Modern Flames Electric Fireplaces

Modern Flames Electric Fireplaces stand out for their sleek design and advanced technology. These fireplaces provide efficient heating without the mess of traditional wood or gas fireplaces.

Many models feature realistic LED flames, customizable settings, and remote control options. This makes them easy to use and convenient.

Their electric fireplaces are perfect for anyone sensitive to smells because they don't produce smoke or fumes. Each unit undergoes thorough testing to ensure safe operation and minimal odor emissions.

Enjoy a warm ambiance with Modern Flames' commitment to quality and innovation in home heating solutions.

Remii Electric Fireplaces

Remii Electric Fireplaces offer a blend of modern design and functionality. These units come in various sizes, fitting any room perfectly. Their sleek appearance adds a stylish touch to your home décor.

They use advanced technology to provide realistic flames, enhancing the ambiance. Safety features are built-in to prevent electrical issues like overloads or short circuits. Regular maintenance ensures these fireplaces stay odor-free and efficient for many years.

Keep dust away and inspect them often to enjoy fresh air always.

SimpliFire Electric Fireplaces

SimpliFire Electric Fireplaces combine advanced technology and stylish design. Their models offer realistic flames that enhance the home’s ambiance. The fireplaces are easy to install and can fit into various spaces without much hassle.

These units come with built-in safety features like overheat protection, ensuring a secure experience for users. With options for different flame colors and adjustable brightness settings, SimpliFire gives you control over your environment's look and feel.

Regular maintenance keeps these electric fireplaces running smoothly while preventing odors from developing over time.

Preventive Measures to Keep Your Electric Fireplace Smelling Fresh

Regularly clean the electric fireplace to remove dust and debris. Inspect the wiring frequently to ensure there are no signs of electrical issues.

Regular Maintenance and Inspections

Regular maintenance ensures your electric fireplace operates smoothly and smells fresh. Follow these steps to keep it in top condition:

  1. Clean the Fireplace Regularly: Dust can build up and cause unpleasant smells. Use a soft cloth or vacuum to remove dirt from vents and surfaces.
  2. Inspect Electrical Components: Faulty wiring or overheating can create burning odors. Check wires for visible damage, and ensure connections are secure.
  3. Check the Heater Element: A malfunctioning heater element might emit strange scents. Look for signs of wear or damage, and replace it if necessary.
  4. Verify Airflow: Blocked airflow can cause overheating and odors. Ensure that vents are clear and unobstructed by furniture or drapes.
  5. Examine Filters: Dirty filters trap dust and debris, which can burn when heated, releasing odors. Clean or replace the filter according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
  6. Use Odor Neutralizers: Specific products designed for electric fireplaces help neutralize persistent smells without damaging components.
  7. Schedule Professional Inspections: Hire a qualified technician to perform an annual check-up on your fireplace’s electrical system and combustion components.
  8. Monitor Humidity Levels: Low humidity can affect your sense of smell, altering perception of odors emitted from your fireplace. Use a humidifier in dry conditions to balance air moisture effectively.
  9. Keep Surrounding Area Clean: Remove combustible materials like paper or fabric near the fireplace as they might catch fire or contribute to bad smells when heated.
  10. Use High-Quality Fuel Sources (for hybrid models): Cheap fuel may produce more residue and unpleasant odors compared to high-quality options designed for optimal burning efficiency.

Following these practices helps maintain not only the functionality but also the pleasant scent of your electric fireplace.

Using Odor Neutralizers Specifically Designed for Electric Fireplaces

Odor neutralizers can help keep your electric fireplace smelling fresh. Products specifically designed for electric fireplaces target odors caused by electrical issues, dust, and residue.

These neutralizers break down odor molecules instead of just masking them.

Place the odor neutralizer in or near the fireplace. Follow the instructions on its packaging for best results. Use it during regular maintenance checks to ensure a pleasant smell at all times.

Next, let’s explore some popular models from our electric fireplace collections that could suit your home needs.


You'll often find odors in electric fireplaces due to dust or electrical issues. Cleaning and proper maintenance keep them fresh. Ensure the fireplace is installed correctly to avoid smells from burning wires.

Check for possible electrical overloads regularly to prevent melting components.


1. Why does my electric fireplace smell?

Your electric fireplace might smell due to dust, creosote buildup, or issues in the nasal cavity causing phantom smells.

2. Can sinus infections affect how I smell my electric fireplace?

Yes, sinus infections can cause olfactory dysfunction and change your sense of smell.

3. What are phantom smells and how do they relate to my electric fireplace?

Phantom smells, also known as phantosmia, are false perceptions of odors that may make you think your fireplace has a strange scent when it doesn't.

4. How can headaches or migraines impact the way I perceive the smell from my electric fireplace?

Headaches or migraines can affect your olfactory bulb and lead to parosmia or altered sensations of common scents like those from an electric fireplace.

5. What should I do if cleaning doesn’t fix the odor from my electric fireplace?

If cleaning doesn't help, check for nosebleeds or other nasal issues affecting your sense of smell. Consult a doctor if problems persist with sniffing unusual odors around your home.

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