How High Off The Floor Should A Linear Electric Fireplace Be - Fireplace Choice
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How High Off The Floor Should A Linear Electric Fireplace Be

By Pedro Calcano June 07, 2024 0 comments

How High Off The Floor Should A Linear Electric Fireplace Be

A linear electric fireplace surrounded by modern interior decor.

Are you wondering how high off the floor your linear electric fireplace should be? One common recommendation is to place it between 12 and 30 inches above the floor for a great visual effect.

This blog will help you find the perfect height placement for comfort, safety, and style. Read on to make sure your electric fireplace looks stunning in any room!

Key Takeaways

  • Place your linear electric fireplace about 12 to 30 inches off the floor for a visually appealing focal point.
  • Positioning at around 40-42 inches from the ground ensures optimal viewing comfort when seated, aligning with average eye level.
  • Maintain at least three feet of space clear around the fireplace from flammable materials to ensure safety.
  • Popular models like Dimplex IgniteXL and Modern Flames Orion Slim are designed for easy installation within these height ranges.
  • Ensure a balanced room design by mounting the fireplace neither too high nor too low, focusing on both practicality and aesthetics.

Recommended Height for Comfort and Aesthetics

A linear electric fireplace adds warmth to a cozy living room.

Mount the linear electric fireplace at eye level when seated. This placement enhances both comfort and style in your room.

Seated eye level considerations (40-42 inches off the floor)

Positioning a linear electric fireplace at 40-42 inches off the floor ensures perfect viewing from a seated position. This height aligns with average eye level, making it comfortable to enjoy the flames without straining your neck.

It's especially ideal in living rooms where most seating is arranged for optimal comfort.

Consider areas like basements or family rooms where people often sit and relax. Placing the bottom of the fireplace at least 12 inches above the floor helps maintain this eye-level range while creating a stunning focal point that complements any room design.

A well-placed fireplace transforms a space into a cozy and inviting environment.

By adhering to these height guidelines, homeowners can achieve both aesthetic appeal and practical use of their linear fireplaces.

Safety Considerations for Height Placement

A cozy living room with a mounted electric fireplace on a stone wall.

Install the electric fireplace at a safe distance to prevent overheating nearby materials. Read more for detailed guidelines.

Safe distance from flammable materials

Electric fireplaces need a safe distance from flammable materials. This includes curtains, furniture, and mantels. Keep at least three feet of space around the fireplace clear of combustibles to ensure safety.

Consider using heat-resistant materials for walls or mantels near the unit. This prevents any chance of fire hazards and keeps your home safe. Always follow manufacturer guidelines during installation to avoid risks related to air pollution from smoke.

Explore Electric Fireplace Collections for Optimal Height Placement

Explore the variety of electric fireplaces available to find your perfect fit. Each collection offers optimal height options for both function and style.

Dimplex Electric Fireplaces

Dimplex electric fireplaces stand out for their optimal height placement and visual appeal. Models such as the Dimplex IgniteXL 74 can be mounted at about 40-42 inches off the floor, ensuring comfortable eye-level viewing from a seated position.

With sleek designs and easy installation, they fit beautifully into many room decors.

"An electric fireplace transforms your space without hassle.

Modern Flames Electric Fireplaces

Switching from Dimplex to Modern Flames Electric Fireplaces, you'll discover another set of impressive features. Modern Flames offers sleek and stylish designs perfect for any home.

Their Orion Slim 60 Virtual Fireplace (OR60-SLIM) is a great example, often installed between 12 to 30 inches off the floor for optimal viewing.

The eye level of seated viewers typically ranges around 40-42 inches. This makes Modern Flames fireplaces ideal as their linear design fits well within this height range. These electric fireplaces enhance room aesthetics while ensuring safe distances from flammable materials—like wood or gas heaters—are maintained effectively.

Remii Electric Fireplaces

Remii electric fireplaces offer sleek designs, perfect for modern homes. Their linear shape makes them a popular choice among homeowners looking for both style and functionality. Mount the fireplace at least 12 inches above the floor to ensure safe and optimal viewing.

Aim for about 40-42 inches off the ground to align with seated eye level.

These units are versatile and can fit various room styles without overwhelming the space. Maintaining a safe distance from flammable materials is crucial while installing these units.

Transitioning to Simplifire Electric Fireplaces, you should consider similar height guidelines for safety and aesthetics.

Simplifire Electric Fireplaces

Simplifire Electric Fireplaces offer a range of options perfect for any home. The Simplifire Scion 55 Built-In Linear Electric Fireplace (SF-SC55-BK) shines as an excellent choice.

It works best when the bottom is positioned at least 12 to 24 inches above the floor. This height ensures optimal viewing and contributes to a visually balanced room.

With its sleek design, the Simplifire Scion fits seamlessly into modern spaces. These electric fireplaces also help reduce energy bills by replacing wood stoves or gas fireplaces with more efficient models.

Their larger width adds aesthetic appeal while maintaining ease of use and installation flexibility.

Featured models continue in this trend...

Featured Electric Fireplaces and Their Installation Heights

Discover top electric fireplaces and their ideal installation heights. Create a cozy atmosphere by placing these units at the perfect level in your home.

Dimplex Ignitexl 74 Linear Electric Fireplace (XLF74)

The Dimplex Ignitexl 74 Linear Electric Fireplace (XLF74) stands out due to its sleek design and versatile installation options. This model can be placed between 12 to 30 inches off the floor, ensuring a stunning visual effect in any room setting.

For optimal viewing from a seated position, consider placing it about 40-42 inches off the floor.

Safety is key with this electric fireplace. Make sure there’s a safe distance from flammable materials while maintaining an appealing appearance. The Dimplex Ignitexl XLF74 not only heats efficiently but also serves as an attractive focal point for modern home designs.

Modern Flames Orion Slim 60 Virtual Fireplace (OR60-SLIM)

The Modern Flames Orion Slim 60 Virtual Fireplace (OR60-SLIM) stands out with its sleek design and advanced features. It’s best positioned at a height between 12 to 30 inches from the floor, which ensures an optimal visual effect.

With seated eye level generally being around 40-42 inches off the floor, this fireplace provides perfect comfort and viewing pleasure.

This raised fireplace also includes safety measures that make it ideal for any living space. Ensure it's situated away from flammable materials to maintain a safe environment. The OR60-SLIM adds both modern style and functionality while keeping energy consumption efficient compared to traditional wood-burning fireplaces or pellet stoves.

Simplifire Scion 55 Built-In Linear Electric Fireplace (SF-SC55-BK)

The Simplifire Scion 55 Built-In Linear Electric Fireplace (SF-SC55-BK) creates a cozy and modern focal point in any room. Positioned at an optimal height of about 12 to 24 inches above the floor, it achieves perfect visual balance while ensuring comfortable viewing from a seated position at eye level, typically set between 40-42 inches off the ground.

This linear electric fireplace model stands out for its sleek design and ease of installation. Homeowners looking to add warmth without compromising on style will find this unit ideal.

As safety is essential, maintaining a safe distance from flammable materials ensures secure operation. The Simplifire Scion combines both aesthetics and functionality, making it a top choice among electric fireplaces available today.

Impact on Room Design and Functionality

A well-placed linear electric fireplace adds visual appeal to your room. It also makes the space more inviting and functional for family gatherings or guest entertainment.

Visual balance and accessibility

Placing a linear electric fireplace at the right height is crucial for visual balance and easy access. Positioning it 12 to 30 inches off the floor ensures that it blends well with other décor elements in the room.

This placement helps create an appealing focal point without overwhelming other features.

Considering eye level from a seated position, mounting the fireplace around 40-42 inches off the ground improves viewing comfort. It’s also essential to leave enough space below for any necessary maintenance or adjustments.

This thoughtful positioning enhances both aesthetic appeal and practical use of your fireplace insert, ensuring optimal functionality in your living space.

Conclusion and Best Practices for Installation

Choosing the right height for your linear electric fireplace ensures both comfort and style. Placing it around 40-42 inches from the floor aligns perfectly with seated eye level. Keeping a safe distance from flammable materials is crucial for safety.

Dimplex, Modern Flames, Remii, and Simplifire offer models tailored to these guidelines. The perfect height also enhances room design by ensuring visual balance. Install your electric fireplace thoughtfully for the best experience!


1. What is the ideal height for a linear electric fireplace?

The ideal height for a linear electric fireplace is about 40 to 42 inches from the floor to the bottom of the unit.

2. Why should I consider this height for my linear electric fireplace?

This height ensures that your fireplace is at eye level when you are seated, providing optimal viewing and warmth distribution.

3. Can I install a linear electric fireplace lower than 40 inches?

Yes, but installing it too low may affect its efficiency and visual appeal. It might not distribute heat as well or be as enjoyable to look at.

4. Are there any safety concerns with placing a linear electric fireplace higher up on the wall?

Placing it too high can make it harder to reach controls and increase risks if pellets or other materials fall out during maintenance.

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