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How Far Should An Electric Fireplace Be From A Tv

By Pedro Calcano June 07, 2024 0 comments

How Far Should An Electric Fireplace Be From A Tv

A modern living room with an electric fireplace and TV.

Mounting a TV above an electric fireplace can be tricky. Did you know there should be 4 to 12 inches between the bottom of the TV and the top of your fireplace? This guide will help you figure out just how much space is needed for safety and best viewing angles.

Keep reading to get it right!

Key Takeaways

  • Maintain Proper Distance: Keep 8 to 12 inches between the top of an electric fireplace and the bottom of a TV for safety.
  • Model-Specific Requirements: Different brands, like Dimplex, Modern Flames, Remii, and Simplifire, have specific clearance guidelines; for instance, Dimplex recommends 8-10 inches.
  • Heat Output Control: Use fireplaces with adjustable heat settings or built-in thermostats to manage temperature levels and protect your TV from heat damage.
  • Optimal Viewing Height: Mount your TV at eye level when seated (42 to 48 inches from the floor) to ensure comfortable viewing while maintaining proper distance from the fireplace.
  • Check Ceiling Clearance: Ensure at least 6 inches between the top of the mantel or fireplace unit and your ceiling for sufficient ventilation.

Recommended Space Guidelines

A well-lit interior photo of an electric fireplace with varied decor.

Maintaining the right distance between your electric fireplace and TV is crucial for safety. Make sure to follow the recommended clearances based on your fireplace model to avoid any heat damage.

Minimum Clearance by Fireplace Model

Every electric fireplace model has different clearance requirements to ensure safe distances between the unit and a TV. Here’s a straightforward guide with minimum clearance recommendations by fireplace model.

Fireplace Model

Minimum Clearance (inches)

Dimplex Electric Fireplaces

8-12 inches

Modern Flames Electric Fireplaces

10-12 inches

Remii Electric Fireplaces

8-10 inches

Simplifire Electric Fireplaces

8-10 inches

Ensure proper spacing to prevent heat damage to the TV. Adjust the distance according to the specific model and design. Maintain at least 6 inches from the mantel or ceiling. Following these guidelines will help maintain both safety and aesthetics.

General Distance Recommendations

Ensure an electric fireplace has 8-10 inches of space above it before placing a TV. Consider the heat output control to avoid potential damage. Heat can affect your TV's performance and lifespan.

For mantels or tops of fireplaces, maintain a distance of about 4-12 inches from the bottom of the TV. Ceiling height also plays a role in ensuring safety and optimal viewing height.

Proper spacing enhances both safety and aesthetics.

Maintaining proper distances is key for both safety and enjoyment.

Factors Influencing Safe Distance

A modern electric fireplace with a TV mounted at a comfortable height.

The heat output from an electric fireplace can affect the safe distance. Position your TV at a comfortable height for viewing to enhance your entertainment experience.

Heat Output Control

Heat from an electric fireplace can affect the TV above it. Heat output control plays a crucial role in maintaining a safe distance between them. Electric fireplaces such as those by Touchstone Home Products offer adjustable heat settings, allowing you to manage the warmth produced.

Ensuring there is 8-12 inches of space between your TV and the top of the fireplace helps prevent potential damage to your electronics.

A motorized TV lift or a tv lift cabinet can help achieve the ideal height and spacing more easily. Different electric fireplace models might have unique specifications for heat output, so check each model's recommendation carefully.

Simplifire Electric Fireplaces, for instance, often include built-in fans that direct hot air away from sensitive areas like where your TV may be placed.

Optimal Viewing Height

To achieve the best viewing height, mount your TV so that the center of the screen is at eye level when seated. The ideal height should range between 42 to 48 inches from the floor, ensuring maximum comfort and reducing neck strain.

If using motorized TV lifts or TV lift cabinets, adjust them to maintain this optimal height.

Consider having a distance of about 10-12 inches between the top of your electric fireplace and the bottom of your TV. This not only safeguards your television from heat damage but also helps in maintaining an aesthetically pleasing setup.

Keeping safety first ensures longer life for both devices.

Highlighting Different Electric Fireplace Models and Their Space Requirements

Certain electric fireplaces need more space than others. It's important to match your TV setup with the right fireplace model.

Dimplex Electric Fireplaces

Dimplex Electric Fireplaces offer a blend of style and safety. These models require 8 to 10 inches between the top of the fireplace and the bottom of your TV. The heat output control feature helps keep temperatures manageable, protecting your TV from potential damage.

Mounting a TV above a Dimplex electric fireplace can create an inviting focal point in any room. Ensure you have at least 6 inches from the mantel or ceiling for optimum performance.

This setup not only enhances aesthetics but also maintains safe distances recommended by experts.

Modern Flames Electric Fireplaces

Modern Flames Electric Fireplaces offer various models with specific spacing requirements. Generally, it is advised to leave 8 inches between the top of the fireplace and your TV for safety.

Ensure there are also 6 inches from the mantel or ceiling.

These fireplaces provide excellent heat output control, reducing potential damage to nearby electronics. Typically, maintaining a distance of 10-12 inches between your TV and the top of these electric fireplaces ensures safe operation while preserving optimal viewing settings.

Remii Electric Fireplaces

Remii Electric Fireplaces offer sleek and modern designs that complement any living space. For these models, maintaining a distance of 8-10 inches from the TV is recommended to prevent heat damage and ensure safety.

The heat output control on Remii fireplaces helps manage temperature levels effectively.

Installing a TV above a Remii fireplace requires careful attention to the mantel's height or top of the fireplace. Ensuring this safe distance creates an optimal environment for both your electric fireplace and television to function well without compromising each other’s performance.

Simplifire Electric Fireplaces

Simplifire Electric Fireplaces offer a sleek design that fits well in modern living spaces. They generally require a clearance of 8-10 inches from the TV to avoid heat-related damage and ensure safety.

These fireplaces are engineered with adjustable heat settings, making it easier to maintain an optimal temperature without interfering with your TV’s functionality.

The height of the mantel also plays a crucial role. Ensure there is at least 6 inches between the top of the mantle and your ceiling for proper ventilation. Simplifire models come with built-in thermostats, allowing you to control heat output precisely.

This feature helps keep both your fireplace and TV safe while providing a cozy atmosphere in your home.


Maintaining safe distance between a TV and an electric fireplace is crucial. Different fireplace models have unique space requirements. Dimplex, Modern Flames, Remii, and Simplifire all suggest specific gaps to prevent heat damage.

Always measure the heat output and consider optimal viewing height for safety and comfort. Properly spacing ensures both devices remain functional and look great in your living room.


1. How far should an electric fireplace be from a TV?

An electric fireplace should be at least 12 inches away from a TV.

2. Can I place my TV directly above an electric fireplace?

Yes, you can place your TV above an electric fireplace if there is proper ventilation and heat protection.

3. Will the heat from the fireplace damage my TV?

The heat could damage your TV if it gets too close without proper insulation or clearance.

4. What factors affect how far my TV should be from the fireplace?

Factors include the type of electric fireplace, its heat output, and room layout.

5. Is it safe to use both devices at the same time?

Yes, it is safe to use both devices together with correct spacing and precautions.

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