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What Size Breaker For Electric Fireplace Understanding Electrical Requirements?

By Pedro Calcano June 16, 2024 0 comments

What Size Breaker for Electric Fireplace? Understanding Electrical Requirements

An electric fireplace with proper wiring and breaker in a modern home.

Having trouble figuring out what size breaker you need for your electric fireplace? Electric fireplaces have specific power needs to run efficiently and safely. This blog will guide you on how to determine the right circuit breaker size for your electric fireplace, ensuring it runs smoothly without any electrical issues.

Keep reading to get all the details!

Key Takeaways

  • Determine Amperage and Wattage: Electric fireplaces typically need 1,500 to 2,000 watts of power, translating to about 12.5 to 16.7 amps on a standard 120-volt circuit.
  • Add a Safety Margin: Calculate the fireplace's amperage using Ohm's Law and add a safety margin of 25% as recommended by NEC guidelines.
  • Use Proper Breaker Sizes: Choose breakers based on your calculations; for example, Dimplex IgniteXL requires a 40-amp breaker for its high wattage.
  • Correct Wire Gauge: Use appropriate wire gauges like 14-gauge for a 15-amp circuit and upgrade to heavier wires such as 10-gauge as needed.
  • GFCI Protection: Install GFCI outlets in areas prone to moisture for enhanced safety against electrical shocks.

Understanding Electric Fireplace Power Requirements

An electric fireplace plugged into a power outlet with a clear power cord.

Electric fireplaces draw a specific amount of power to function efficiently. Knowing their wattage and amperage needs ensures they operate safely and effectively.

Typical wattage and amperage needs

Most electric fireplaces require between 1,500 to 2,000 watts of power. This translates to about 12.5 to 16.7 amps on a standard 120-volt electrical circuit. It's crucial to use the correct voltage for optimal performance and safety.

Using the right wattage keeps your fireplace running smoothly, an expert says.

A home improvement project involving an electric fireplace often necessitates specific wiring considerations. Copper wires are preferred due to their reliability and conductivity. Properly sized copper conductors ensure that the electrical receptacle delivers consistent power requiring no fuse blowouts or circuit trips.

Importance of correct voltage for performance

Electric fireplaces need the correct voltage to perform well. Using the wrong voltage can damage your fireplace's internal components and shorten its lifespan. Electric fireplaces usually require 120 volts or 240 volts, depending on their size and power needs.

Ensuring proper voltage also helps in getting consistent heat output. A stable voltage maintains steady performance, preventing flickering lights or uneven heating. Check the manufacturer's specifications for the right voltage requirements before installation.

Determining the Right Size Breaker for Your Electric Fireplace...

Determining the Right Size Breaker for Your Electric Fireplace

A detailed photo of an electric fireplace with breaker box and load calculations.

To find the right size breaker, you need to calculate the electrical load. This involves determining the wattage and amperage of your electric fireplace.

Calculating the load to determine breaker size

To calculate the load for your electric fireplace, find out its wattage. Check the user manual or label on the unit. Once you have this number, use it to determine how many amps (A) it draws by using Ohm's Law: \( \text{Amps} = \frac{\text{Watts}}{\text{Volts}} \).

For an electric fireplace running on 120 volts, a 1500-watt unit draws about 12.5 amps.

Add a safety margin of 25% to avoid overloading the circuit. To do this, multiply your calculated amp draw by 1.25. For instance, if your fireplace draws 12.5 amps, then \(12.5 \times 1.25 = 15.63\) amps is needed as per National Electrical Code (NEC) guidelines—round up to ensure safety and select a breaker size that handles at least that amount comfortably._.

Safety margins help prevent overloaded circuits.

Ensure you're also using proper wire gauge with Romex cables suited for these loads!

Recommended breaker sizes for common electric fireplaces

Seamlessly transitioning from calculating the load to determine the appropriate breaker size, let's delve into the recommended breaker sizes for common electric fireplaces. Use the table below to identify the right breaker size for your specific model.

Electric Fireplace Model

Typical Wattage


Recommended Breaker Size

Dimplex IgniteXL 74

7,400 watts

30.8 amps

40 amps

Modern Flames Orion Slim 60

5,000 watts

20.8 amps

30 amps

Simplifire Scion 55

4,800 watts

20 amps

25 amps

Remii Extra Tall 72

6,000 watts

25 amps

30 amps

Selecting the right size breaker ensures safety and optimal performance. For each electric fireplace, refer to the specific wattage and amperage listed to make an informed decision. Always adhere to code requirements and consult an electrician for complex installations.

Explore Popular Electric Fireplace Collections

Check out some of the most popular electric fireplaces available today. Each brand offers unique features and exceptional performance, making it easy to find the perfect model for your home.

Dimplex Electric Fireplaces

Dimplex electric fireplaces stand out for their high efficiency and modern design. They offer a wide range of models, suitable for various room sizes and styles. These units come with realistic flame effects, providing both ambiance and warmth.

Most Dimplex fireplaces plug into standard power outlets, making installation simple without needing special wiring. Their advanced safety features include overheating protection and cool-touch glass fronts.

This makes them a safe option for homes with children or pets.

Modern Flames Electric Fireplaces

Modern Flames Electric Fireplaces offer sleek designs and advanced features. Many models, like the Orion Slim 60 Virtual Fireplace, use LED technology to create realistic flames. These fireplaces are easy to install and often come with a remote control for convenience.

Most Modern Flames electric fireplaces run on standard 120V outlets but may require dedicated circuits due to their power needs. They typically range between 1,500 to 2,500 watts. Ensure the appropriate breaker size to avoid overloading your circuit when plugging in your fireplace’s power cord.

Remii Electric Fireplaces

Remii Electric Fireplaces offer sleek designs and efficient heating solutions. These fireplaces suit both modern and traditional homes. They come in various sizes to fit different spaces, from small rooms to large living areas.

Remii models often feature customizable flame effects, adding a cozy ambiance to any room.

Installing a Remii electric fireplace requires proper electrical planning. Most units need a dedicated 15-amp breaker for optimal performance. Always use the correct gauge of wire and follow electrical safety protocols during installation or modifications.

Next, let's discuss Simplifire Electric Fireplaces.

Simplifire Electric Fireplaces

Simplifire Electric Fireplaces offer a blend of style and functionality to any room. They come in various designs, from traditional mantels to modern linear models, ensuring there is an option for every decor.

These units provide efficient heating while adding a touch of elegance with their realistic flame effects.

Many Simplifire models are easy to install, requiring only simple wiring connections. Some options even plug into standard outlets, making them convenient for most homeowners. For larger units or those integrated into walls, it is crucial to follow electrical requirements closely, including the use of proper wire gauge and GFCI protection if specified.

Wiring Considerations for Electric Fireplaces

Ensure you use the right wire gauge for different amperages and follow all safety protocols during installation. Read more.

Appropriate gauge of wire for different amperages

Use the correct gauge of wire to prevent overheating and possible fire hazards. For a 15-amp circuit, use 14-gauge wire. If you have a 20-amp circuit, an upgrade to 12-gauge wire is necessary.

Electric fireplaces often demand higher amperages; for instance, if your fireplace requires 30 amps, choose a heavier 10-gauge wire.

Doubling the amperage will require thicker wires. Using thinner wires than required compromises safety and efficiency. Always consider both the voltage and amperage requirements when selecting wiring for electric fireplaces to ensure optimal performance and safety standards are met.

Safety protocols for installing or modifying circuits

Wear insulated gloves and safety glasses to protect yourself from electrical hazards. Turn off the main power before starting any work on circuits. Use a voltage tester to ensure no electricity flows in the wires.

Install circuit breakers that match the amperage and usage requirements of your electric fireplace. Double-check connections, ensuring they are tight and secure, to prevent short circuits or fires.

Always follow local codes and regulations for safe installation practices.

Additional Electrical Considerations

Install GFCI outlets for enhanced safety with your electric fireplace, ensuring compliance with local regulations and standards.

GFCI protection requirements

GFCI outlets protect against electrical shock in areas prone to moisture. Electric fireplaces installed in damp locations, like basements or bathrooms, need this protection. GFCI stands for Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter and cuts the power if it detects a fault.

Safety remains crucial with electric fireplace installations. Always use a GFCI outlet where there's any chance of water contact. This safeguard can prevent serious injuries and enhance your home's overall safety profile.

Special considerations for shared circuits and high-power models

GFCI protection is important, but you also need to think about shared circuits and high-power models. Shared circuits may lead to overloads if too many devices draw power at once. Always ensure the total current does not exceed the breaker rating.

High-power models require dedicated circuits due to their large electricity consumption. These fireplaces often demand more wattage, leading to higher amperages. Use a separate breaker for these units to avoid tripping other appliances in your home.

Featured Electric Fireplace Models

Explore the stunning, high-efficiency models that bring warmth and elegance to any room. Discover how each model fits different needs and preferences.

Dimplex Ignitexl 74 Linear Electric Fireplace

The Dimplex Ignitexl 74 Linear Electric Fireplace offers a sleek and modern design. Its realistic flames add warmth to any room without the need for a chimney or gas line. With adjustable heat settings, this model allows users to enjoy the ambiance of a fireplace all year round.

Energy-efficient LED technology powers the Ignitexl 74, making it cost-effective and eco-friendly. The multi-function remote control makes operating easy from anywhere in the room.

This electric fireplace can be installed fully recessed into a wall for an ultra-clean look that suits contemporary spaces perfectly.

Next up: Modern Flames Orion Slim 60 Virtual Fireplace

Modern Flames Orion Slim 60 Virtual Fireplace

The Modern Flames Orion Slim 60 Virtual Fireplace stands out with its sleek design and realistic flames. This electric fireplace offers a slim profile, making it perfect for modern homes or smaller spaces.

The LED technology creates lifelike flames that can be customized to match your mood.

Installing the Orion Slim 60 is straightforward thanks to its plug-and-play feature. It requires minimal wiring, which simplifies installation for most users. Ensure you have the appropriate breaker size by checking the electrical specifications before setting up your new virtual fireplace.

Simplifire Scion 55 Built-in Linear Electric Fireplace

For a sleek and modern addition to your home, consider the Simplifire Scion 55 Built-in Linear Electric Fireplace. It fits seamlessly into any wall with its clean lines and minimalist design.

This electric fireplace offers 5,000 BTUs of heat, making it perfect for spaces up to 400 square feet.

Installing this model is straightforward thanks to its built-in mounting hardware. You can easily control the flame effects and heat settings with a remote or an intuitive touch pad.

Enjoy customizable LED lighting to match your room’s ambiance while benefiting from energy-efficient heating all year round.


Choosing the right size breaker ensures your electric fireplace operates safely. Matching the correct wattage and amperage protects both the unit and your home. Understanding these electrical needs will help you enjoy warmth without worry.


1. What size breaker do I need for an electric fireplace?

You typically need a 15-amp or 20-amp circuit breaker for an electric fireplace, depending on the unit's wattage and electrical requirements.

2. How can I determine the correct breaker size for my electric fireplace?

Check your electric fireplace's manual to find its wattage. Divide the wattage by your home's voltage (usually 120V) to get the required amperes, then choose a breaker that matches those amps.

3. Can I use any regular outlet for my electric fireplace?

No, you should use a dedicated circuit with the right-sized breaker to prevent overloading and ensure safe operation of your electric fireplace.

4. Do I need professional help to install an appropriate breaker for my electric fireplace?

Yes, it's best to hire a licensed electrician who understands electrical requirements and safety standards when installing or upgrading breakers in your home.

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