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How Much Electric Does The Classic Flame 42 Fireplace Use Per Day

By Pedro Calcano June 08, 2024 0 comments

How Much Electric Does The Classic Flame 42 Fireplace Use Per Day?

A photo of a Classic Flame 42 fireplace surrounded by energy-efficient appliances.

Are you curious how much electricity the Classic Flame 42 fireplace consumes each day? Knowing this can help manage your energy efficiency at home. This blog will guide you through its power usage, daily costs, and comparisons to other electric fireplaces.

Let's uncover the details!

Key Takeaways

  • The Classic Flame 42 Fireplace uses about 1,500 watts per hour for heating and 11.2 watts per hour for LED flame effects.
  • Running this fireplace for five hours each day consumes approximately 7.5 kilowatt-hours (kWh).
  • To estimate daily costs, multiply the kWh by your local electricity rate; at $0.12 per kWh, it costs around $0.90 a day.
  • This electric fireplace efficiently heats spaces up to 1,000 square feet, providing supplemental zone heating without high energy waste.
  • Compared to traditional wood-burning stoves or fireplaces, the Classic Flame is more energy-efficient and cost-effective.

Understanding the Power Consumption of the Classic Flame 42 Fireplace

The Classic Flame 42 Fireplace surrounded by a cozy living room setting.

The Classic Flame 42 Fireplace uses electricity to create heat and light. Its power rating tells you how much energy it needs each hour, so you can estimate usage.


Average wattage usage per hour


The Classic Flame 42 fireplace uses about 11.2 watts per hour to power its LED flame effect. This amount of wattage powers the bright, realistic flames you see in front, between, and behind the log set.

For heating purposes, it consumes around 1,500 watts on average per hour. This wattage allows the fireplace insert to provide supplemental zone heating for spaces up to 1,000 square feet.

Electric fireplaces generally fall within a range of 1,000 to 2,000 watts per hour for their heaters. The Classic Flame's efficient use of electricity makes it an energy-efficient option compared to traditional wood-burning stoves or fireplaces that often waste a lot of heat.


Using an electric fireplace like the Classic Flame offers both beauty and practicality without high energy costs.


Comparison with Other Electric Fireplaces

A comparison of Classic Flame 42 Fireplace and other models in a modern living room.

Compare the Classic Flame 42 Fireplace to other models in terms of energy efficiency and features.


Links to collections of electric fireplaces for comparison


Visit online collections to compare various electric fireplace models. Websites like ClassicFlame showcase the 42-inch model, which uses LED technology for long-lasting flame effects and supplemental heat features.

Many options provide information on energy efficiency and safer plug technologies.

Explore different designs that fit your needs, like infrared quartz inserts or wood stove replicas. Check out reviews and prices ranging from budget-friendly choices to premium units with advanced climate control settings.

Trustworthy sites offer detailed specifications so you can make informed decisions about electricity usage and cost savings.

Daily Electricity Usage Calculation

To figure out how much electricity the Classic Flame 42 Fireplace uses daily, you'll need to know its average wattage. Then, multiply that by the hours you plan to run it each day.


Hours of operation per day


Many people use the Classic Flame 42 Fireplace for about 4 to 6 hours each day, especially during colder months. Using this electric heater for zone heating can efficiently warm up large spaces like basements or living rooms without overworking your main furnace.

Running it longer may be necessary on particularly cold days, but even then, its energy-saving features help keep electric usage in check. "Zone heating with an adjustable thermostat allows you to manage temperatures effectively," says Laura Thompson, an HVAC expert.


Zone heating with an adjustable thermostat allows you to manage temperatures effectively, says Laura Thompson, an HVAC expert.

Calculation of daily kilowatt-hours (kWh)


To calculate the daily kilowatt-hours (kWh) used by the Classic Flame 42 fireplace, first determine its wattage. The average model uses around 1,500 watts per hour. If you run the fireplace for five hours a day, multiply 1,500 watts by 5 to get 7,500 watt-hours.

Convert this number to kilowatt-hours by dividing by 1,000. So, 7,500 watt-hours becomes 7.5 kWh per day. This means that using your Classic Flame electric insert for five hours daily consumes about 7.5 kWh of electricity each day.

In addition to heating power usage (and if you use all flame effect settings), add another small amount like in this case which is roughly an extra little cost from LEDs like perhaps less than typical bulb usage at home but so efficient they’ll hardly affect overall total end tally spent over month or year’s bills!

Cost Implications of Daily Use

Running the Classic Flame 42 Fireplace every day has a cost. You'll want to consider your local electricity rates to estimate this expense.


Estimating daily cost based on local electricity rates


To estimate the daily cost of using the Classic Flame 42 fireplace, first measure its electricity consumption in kilowatts (kW). The fireplace uses approximately 1.5 kWh per hour with a usage rate between 1,000 to 2,000 watts.

If you run it for six hours a day, it will consume around 9 kWh daily.

Next, multiply the daily energy use by your local electricity rate. For example, if your rate is $0.12 per kWh, running the fireplace would cost about $1.08 each day (9 kWh x $0.12).

While this is an average figure based on local rates and usage time, actual costs may vary depending on insulation and heating preferences.


Running a Classic Flame 42 fireplace for eight hours a day uses around 12 kilowatt-hours (kWh) daily. This calculation considers both the flame effect and heating components. You can calculate your electricity cost by multiplying this usage with your local rate per kWh.

Using an electric insert like this one offers energy savings compared to traditional fireplaces. Consider using remote control features to manage its operation efficiently.


1. How much electric does the Classic Flame 42 Fireplace use per day?

The Classic Flame 42 Fireplace uses about the same amount of electricity as a small air conditioning unit, depending on the settings and how long you run it.

2. Is the Classic Flame 42 Fireplace energy efficient?

Yes, this fireplace is designed to be energy efficient and helps in reducing overall heating costs by using LED lights and electric inserts.

3. Can I control the fireplace with a remote control?

Yes, you can easily adjust settings like temperature and flame brightness using a remote control that comes with your purchase.

4. Does using an electric fireplace save more energy compared to wood burning fireplaces?

Yes, an electric fireplace like the Classic Flame 42 saves more energy because it doesn’t rely on combustion or produce humidity-related issues common with wood-burning fireplaces.

5. Where do I plug in my Classic Flame 42 Fireplace for best results?

Plug your Classic Flame 42 Fireplace into any standard wall outlet for optimal performance and ensure it's part of your home’s heating system alongside traditional heating and air conditioning units.

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