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Diy How To Build A Frame For An Electric Fireplace Insert

By Pedro Calcano June 06, 2024 0 comments

Diy How To Build A Frame For An Electric Fireplace Insert

Building a DIY electric fireplace frame in a cozy living room.

Struggling to add a cozy touch to your living room with an electric fireplace? Building a frame for an electric fireplace insert can do the trick. This guide will walk you through each step, ensuring even beginners can achieve professional results.

Let’s get started!

Key Takeaways

  • Choose a fireplace insert based on room size and heating needs. For example, a 1500-watt model heats up to 400 square feet efficiently.
  • Gather sturdy materials like pine or oak wood for the frame, using 2x4 boards for support and trim pieces for finishing.
  • Essential tools include measuring tape, level, saw, drill, sandpaper, and paintbrushes. Accurate measurements ensure precise cuts.
  • Install the insert by lifting it into place and connecting electrical components carefully. Secure it within the frame using screws and brackets.
  • Finish the project with sanding, painting or staining the frame evenly. Attach decorative trim pieces to enhance its appearance.

Choosing the Right Electric Fireplace Insert

A cozy living room with an electric fireplace insert and matching décor.

Think about the size and heating capacity of your space before buying an electric fireplace insert. Look for design features that match your décor.

Consider size and heating capacity

Choose an electric fireplace insert that matches the size of your space. Measure the wall where you plan to install it and ensure it's large enough to fit the unit comfortably. If your room is big, consider a larger insert for better heating.

Check the heating capacity of different models before making a purchase. Look for inserts with higher wattage if you need more warmth. For example, a 1500-watt fireplace heats up to 400 square feet efficiently.

Make sure it suits your climate and insulation needs too.

Evaluate design features and flame technology

After considering the size and heating capacity, evaluate the design features and flame technology. Look for electric fireplace inserts that offer realistic flames and customizable settings.

Some models come with different color options or adjustable brightness levels to create a cozy atmosphere.

Dimplex IgniteXL 74" offers stunning LED flame effects that mimic real fire. Modern Flames Orion Slim 60" Virtual Fireplace provides lifelike visuals combined with advanced heat control.

SimpliFire Scion 55" Built-in Linear Electric Fireplace also boasts sleek designs ideal for modern homes.

Choosing the right flame technology can make all the difference in creating a warm ambiance.

Check if your chosen insert allows remote control operation for added convenience. Make sure it fits seamlessly into your room’s décor while providing efficient heating solutions.

Explore Collections: Dimplex, Modern Flames, Remii, and SimpliFire Electric Fireplaces

Electric fireplaces come in many styles and brands. Let's explore some popular collections: Dimplex, Modern Flames, Remii, and SimpliFire.

  • Dimplex:
  • Offers a wide range of electric fireplaces.
  • Known for their realistic flame technology.
  • Provides both traditional and modern designs.
  • Features include remote control and adjustable heat settings.
  • Modern Flames:
  • Specializes in contemporary style fireplaces.
  • Has innovative features like customizable flame colors.
  • Models like the Orion Slim offer slim profiles for tight spaces.
  • Frequently comes with touch screen controls.
  • Remii:
  • Focuses on sleek, frameless designs.
  • Popular for their seamless wall installations.
  • Provides multi-color flame options to match any decor.
  • Often includes energy-saving LED technology.
  • SimpliFire:
  • Combines simplicity with high functionality.
  • Known for easy installation processes.
  • Models like the Scion series feature linear designs perfect for modern homes.
  • Equipped with various heat settings to suit different room sizes.

Let's move on to gather the materials needed for building a frame.

Materials Needed for Building a Frame

A cluttered workbench with various tools and materials for woodworking.

Choosing the right materials makes a strong frame. Gather wood, fasteners, and finishing supplies for your project.

Types of wood and dimensions

Select the right type of wood for your fireplace frame. Use reliable options like pine, oak, or poplar for their strength and durability. Each wood variety offers unique benefits; pine is budget-friendly and easy to work with, while oak provides a robust structure.

Poplar is also great due to its fine grain that takes paint well.

Choose standard 2x4 lumber boards for the frame supports around the insert. These dimensions provide stability and are readily available at most hardware stores. For finishing touches, consider using trim pieces in various sizes to create a polished look around your electric fireplace insert.

Accurate measurements ensure a professional finish and prevent any gaps or misalignment in the structure.

Using quality materials not only ensures safety but also adds value and beauty to your DIY project.

Hardware and fasteners

Using the right hardware and fasteners is essential for building a sturdy frame for your electric fireplace insert. Start with wood screws, which are great for securing your 2x4 boards together.

Wood glue adds extra strength, ensuring that the frame holds up well over time. For attaching the drywall to the frame, use drywall screws to keep everything tight and secure.

Tools like a Kreg Jig can help create pocket holes, making joints stronger without visible screws. A brad nailer works perfectly for adding trim or finishing touches around the fireplace insert.

If you're mounting the frame to concrete walls or floors, wedge anchors will provide strong support. To prevent splitting wood while driving in screws, drill pilot holes beforehand using a hammer drill or regular drill bit set at an appropriate size.

Finishing materials like paint or stain

Finishing materials like paint or stain can make your electric fireplace frame look polished and professional. Choose a high-quality primer to prep the wood for painting. This helps the paint adhere better and last longer.

A couple of coats of durable, heat-resistant paint will protect the wood from any potential damage. For a natural look, use stain instead of paint. Stains highlight the wood's grain while adding a protective layer.

Apply joint compound to fill gaps or cracks in the wood before staining or painting. Sand everything smooth with sandpaper for an even finish. Use brushes or rollers designed for drywall mud application to get into corners and tight spaces easily.

These steps ensure your DIY fireplace project achieves a clean, finished appearance that resembles a custom-built unit without breaking the bank on pre-built models found on Facebook Marketplace.

Tools Required for the Project

You will need basic carpentry tools for this project. These include items like measuring tape, levels, and saws. Get your drill ready to secure the pieces together properly. Make sure you have sandpaper for smoothing out rough edges and paintbrushes for finishing touches.

Measuring tape and level

A measuring tape ensures accurate wood cuts and proper dimensions for the frame. For instance, mark your measurements on 2x4 boards before cutting them with a miter saw. Accurate measurements prevent gaps and misalignment during assembly.

Use a level to keep everything straight and balanced. Check vertical studs and horizontal beams as you build the structure around the electric fireplace insert. Ensuring your frame is perfectly level guarantees a polished look once finished.

Saw and drill

Using a saw, you can cut your wood pieces to the correct dimensions. A table saw or circular saw works best for straight, precise cuts on 2x4 boards. Always ensure safety by wearing protective eyewear and gloves during this step.

A drill is essential for assembling your frame. Use it with the appropriate bits to make pilot holes before driving screws into place. This prevents the wood from splitting and ensures a sturdy build.

Countersink bits are also useful to create flush screw placements for a smooth finish once you prime and paint the frame. Securely attach all parts of your project using high-quality fasteners like bolts or screws designed for woodworking projects.

Sandpaper and paintbrushes

Sandpaper smoothens the wood frame before painting. Use medium-grit paper for rough spots and fine-grit for a polished finish. Sand in one direction to avoid scratches, making sure all surfaces are even.

Paintbrushes apply paint or stain evenly on the frame. A 2-inch brush covers larger areas, while a smaller brush handles corners and details. Clean brushes well after use to prevent dried paint from ruining future projects.

Building the Frame

Measure and cut the wood to fit your electric fireplace insert. Assemble the base structure by securing it with screws and brackets.

Measure and cut wood to size

Use a measuring tape to get accurate dimensions for each piece of wood. Mark the measurements clearly with a pencil or chalk. Secure the board on a stable surface before cutting.

Employ a saw, like a circular saw or miter saw, to cut along the marked lines. Ensure each piece matches your frame plans exactly. This precision ensures your electric fireplace insert fits perfectly within the frame structure.

Assemble the base structure

After you measure and cut the wood to size, start assembling the base structure. Lay out your 2x4 boards on a flat surface to form a rectangle. Make sure the corners are square using a carpenter's square.

Join the pieces with wood screws or nails, ensuring each joint is secure.

Next, mark where the vertical studs will go for additional support. Attach these studs at equal intervals across the frame using wood screws or framing nails for extra durability. This sturdy base forms the foundation of your fireplace frame and ensures everything stays in place when mounted against wall studs later on.

Secure the frame to wall studs

Locate the wall studs using a stud finder. Align the frame with these studs to ensure it will support the weight of the electric fireplace insert. Drill pilot holes through the frame at each stud location.

This helps prevent splitting and makes screwing easier.

Use long screws or bolts suitable for wood construction to secure the frame firmly into place. Ensure all connections are tight by checking with a level, ensuring that everything is square and plumb.

Attachments should hold up even if you install heavy finishing materials like cement board or drywall over it later on.

Installing the Electric Fireplace Insert

Lift the electric fireplace insert into place and ensure it fits snugly. Attach all electrical components carefully to complete the installation.

Prepare the insert placement

Mark the area on the wall where you want to install the electric fireplace insert using painter's tape. Measure precisely to ensure that the insert fits snugly within this space. Ensure there is an electrical outlet nearby, since most units require a power source.

Next, cut out any drywall in this marked section, revealing the studs behind it. Attach pieces of wood or metal brackets around the opening for additional support if necessary. Make sure everything is level and secure before moving forward with connecting electrical components.

Connect electrical components

First, turn off the power supply to avoid any electrical hazards. Find the dedicated circuit for your electric fireplace insert and make sure it matches the manufacturer’s requirements.

Use a voltage tester to double-check that there is no live current in the wires you'll be working with.

Next, connect the wires from your electric fireplace insert to your home's electrical system following color codes: black for live wire, white for neutral, and green or bare copper for ground.

Secure all connections using wire nuts and ensure they're tight. Cover exposed wiring with electrical tape before pushing them into the junction box. Finally, secure everything properly and test by switching on the power supply again.

Secure the insert within the frame

Carefully position the electric fireplace insert into the prepared frame opening. Ensure it fits snugly without gaps. Use screws and a drill to fasten the insert securely to the frame, following any specific mounting instructions from the manufacturer.

Check that all connections are tight and stable before proceeding. Make sure there is adequate ventilation around the insert as specified in its guidelines for safe operation. This step guarantees your DIY electric fireplace project remains both functional and safe for long-term use.

Featured Products: Dimplex IgniteXL 74" Linear Electric Fireplace, Modern Flames Orion Slim 60" Virtual Fireplace, SimpliFire Scion 55" Built-in Linear Electric Fireplace

Now that the fireplace insert is securely in place, let's look at some top-notch electric fireplaces. These featured products combine advanced technology and stunning design.

  1. Dimplex IgniteXL 74" Linear Electric Fireplace
  • Delivers uninterrupted panoramic views of the flames.
  • Features a multi-flame presentation that allows you to choose the speed of the flame.
  • Offers custom heating control for energy-efficient performance.
  • Includes an edge-to-edge glass display for a modern and sleek look.
  • Comes with built-in Bluetooth technology to control settings via your smartphone.
  1. Modern Flames Orion Slim 60" Virtual Fireplace
  • Presents ultra-realistic flame effects thanks to advanced holographic technology.
  • Incorporates variable heat settings to manage warmth effectively.
  • Equipped with ambient LED lighting that changes color for different moods.
  • Designed with a slim profile, making it perfect for narrower spaces.
  • Supports both wall-mounted and recessed installations, adding versatility.
  1. SimpliFire Scion 55" Built-in Linear Electric Fireplace
  • Boasts a built-in electronic timer for auto shut-off after a set duration.
  • Features adjustable lighting and ember bed options to create an authentic ambiance.
  • Provides ample heat output suitable for various room sizes.
  • Utilizes intuitive touch controls for easy operation and customization.

Finishing Touches

Apply a smooth coat of paint for a polished look. Attach the trim pieces to complete the frame's appearance.

Apply finish and trim work

Apply the final touch with finish and trim work. Begin by sanding down any rough edges on the frame using sandpaper to create a smooth surface. This step ensures that paint or stain will adhere properly.

Use wood filler to cover any gaps or nail holes, then let it dry before sanding again.

Next, use caulk to seal joints where the frame meets the wall for a seamless appearance. Select quality paint or stain in your preferred color and apply evenly with a brush. Allow each coat to dry as recommended by the manufacturer.

After painting, attach decorative trim around the edges of the fireplace insert for a polished look. Use finishing nails or an adhesive suitable for your chosen material to secure the trim in place.

Finally, check all surfaces for missed spots and touch them up if necessary. Clean up any excess paint drips immediately. A well-finished electric fireplace can enhance both warmth and elegance in your home!

Final painting or staining

First, sand the entire frame using medium-grit sandpaper. This will smooth out any rough edges and prepare the wood for painting or staining. Make sure to wipe off all dust with a damp cloth.

Next, choose either paint or stain based on your desired finish. Use a high-quality brush to apply an even coat of paint or stain across all surfaces of the frame. Allow proper drying time before adding additional coats if needed.

Maintenance Tips for Your New Fireplace

Keep the wood frame clean by dusting it regularly. Use a damp cloth to wipe down surfaces and prevent buildup.

Cleaning and upkeep of the wood frame

Dust the wood frame regularly to prevent dirt buildup. Use a soft cloth or microfiber duster for this task. For deeper cleaning, mix mild soap with water and lightly dampen a cloth before wiping down the wood surface.

Avoid soaking the wood; excess moisture can damage it.

Inspect the frame periodically for signs of wear or damage. Tighten any loose screws or nails to maintain structural integrity. If you notice scratches or scuffs, sand them lightly with fine-grit sandpaper, then apply a matching stain or paint for touch-ups.

Keep your electric fireplace insert’s cabinet clean by vacuuming vents and grates frequently to ensure safe operation and prolong its life.

Safe operation of the electric insert

Properly using an electric fireplace insert ensures safety and longevity. First, keep flammable materials away from the unit. This includes curtains, papers, and wooden objects like picture frames or furniture.

Regularly dust the area around the insert to prevent dirt buildup. Check the electrical connections for wear and tear every few months.

Use a dedicated outlet for your electric fireplace insert to avoid overloading circuits. Installing a surge protector can protect your unit during power surges. Follow manufacturer guidelines on usage limits to prevent overheating issues.

Periodic inspection helps detect any malfunction early before it escalates into a larger problem requiring expensive repairs or replacements.

Dusting regularly improves performance by preventing blockage of air vents that cause inefficient heating or fire hazards. Using a soft cloth or vacuum cleaner with brush attachment facilitates easy cleaning without damaging delicate components within the insert frame structure wrapped in drywall material used creatively as per project library steps outlined above ensuring safe operation post-installation stage completion step-by-step!


Building a frame for an electric fireplace insert is attainable. Choose the right size and design features to fit your space perfectly. Gather all necessary materials like wood, hardware, and finishing supplies.

Use tools like measuring tape, saw, drill, and sandpaper efficiently. Measure accurately and cut wood pieces to create a sturdy base structure. Secure the fireplace insert correctly within the frame for safety.

Apply paint or stain as a final touch to enhance its look.


1. What tools do I need to build a frame for an electric fireplace insert?

You will need basic tools like a saw, measuring tape, screws, and a drill. These tools help you cut and assemble the wood for the frame.

2. Can I drywall over the frame once it's built?

Yes, after building your wooden frame, you can cover it with drywall. This gives your fireplace insert a finished look.

3. Are there any affiliate links available for materials needed in this project?

Yes, many websites provide affiliate links to purchase all necessary materials like wood and screws online.

4. How do I ensure my electric fireplace insert fits correctly into the frame?

Measure your electric fireplace insert carefully before building the frame. Make sure to leave some space around it for ventilation and easy installation.

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